14- She Sings In The Morning

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I'm sorry for missing the last update and the short chapter! I've been so busy and blah :(


I stared at the ceiling of the top bunk, a million thoughts running through my head but none of them making any sense. I’ve been awake since seven A.M., the memories of yesterday’s events and how I fell asleep in All Time Low’s free bunk flooded my mind like a tidal wave.

It was now 10 A.M.; the gates to let the kids in would be opening in an hour. I guess that meant I should get my act together and help set up Pierce The Veil’s merch tent, though I don’t want to face any of those boys right now. I sighed and jumped down from the top bunk, earning a groan from Jack, Alex, and Rian who were still sleeping. Their crew was already up (except for Jordan who was wrapped in Alex’s arms. Awe!) and Zack never slept that late. “Ah, your gonna have to get up in five minutes anyways. Don’t complain.”

“Shut the fuck up.” Jordan groaned, opening one of her eyes. I flipped her off and she returned the favor by sticking out her tongue, too lazy to actually move.

I said goodbye to the people who were up and walked towards Pierce The Veil’s bus, hoping that they were all still asleep.

I crept onto the bus and luckily no one was on it. I walked to the bunk area and grabbed a new outfit from my suitcase. “Annabeth?” A voice asked. I froze, knowing the voice by heart. I turned around to see Vic staring up at me, tears in his big brown eyes.

As much as I wanted too, I didn’t reply. I just turned around changed into it, not caring Vic was still staring at me. He’s seen my naked, so it wasn’t like it mattered. I still changed as fast as possible though.

I felt his warm hand wrap around my wrist, forcing me to face him. His expression was depressed, tears still swimming in his eyes. I wanted to sink into his arms, I fought the temptation; I couldn’t bring myself to pull my arm from his grip.

“Please, Annabeth.” He squeaked vulnerably. “It was a mistake, I love you. I was just mad for stupid reasons. I cant live without you. Please.”

I couldn’t reply, there was a lump in my throat, if I opened my mouth I knew a strangled sob would’ve come out. I shook my head as tears pricked in my eyes.

I slipped my wrist from his grip and ran off the bus, not looking back.

“Please Annabeth?” Alex pouted.

“Why can’t Jenna do it?” I asked, referring to Jenna McDougall from Tonight Alive. Alex wanted me to sing Juliet’s part in Remembering Sunday, but I really didn’t want to be on a stage again. I knew I would just embarrass myself.

“Her set is then. Please Annabethhhhh?” He whined, dragging on my name.

I rolled my eyes at his childish personality with a chuckle. “Fine. When do I have to be backstage and what stage?” I questioned.

He grinned ear to ear. “In 30 minutes our set starts and Remembering Sunday is our second to last song, it’s right after Therapy. We’re preforming on the Tilly’s Stage.”

“Okay, I’ll be there.” And with that he walked off with his other band members, after jumping onto Jack’s back and planting a sloppy kiss on his cheek. Awe, Jalex.

Before I knew it, 35 minutes had passed and I was standing side-stage, holding a microphone, my knuckles turning white from holding it so tightly.

The neighbors said she moved away

Funny how it rained all day

I didn't think much of it then

But it's starting to all make sense

Alex sang as Matt told me to go out. I took in and mustered up the courage to walk out. Alex finished his part and I took in a deep breath.


I'm not coming back

I've done something so terrible

I'm terrified to speak

But you'd expect that from me

I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt, now the rain is just

Washing you out of my hair and out of my mind

Everyone started cheering and I smiled, once my eyes met Vic’s the smile faltered.

Keeping an eye on the world,

From so many thousands of feet off the ground, I'm over you now

I'm at home in the clouds, and towering over your head

I finished, my eyes refusing to leave his gaze. ‘I love you’ He mouthed. I just looked down and hugged Alex tightly, before walking off the stage. I saluted the crowd as I walked off, my thoughts not straying from Vic’s hurt expression.


When all the kids were gone I decided to search for Annabeth, since she hadn’t returned to the bus for 3 hours. She decided to go out to the bar to meet up with friends who lived close or something. But she was never a party girl so she usually would’ve come back after half an hour.

I left the bus, looking up the address of the bar Annabeth decided to go to. I started walking in the direction of the bar, remembering where the general area it was in since we went to the same bar when we were in Salt Lake City for Warped last year.

After 10 minutes or so of walking I reached the bar. But as I was about to walk in I heard someone softly whimpering. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around, trying to find the source of it. It was coming from an alleyway. I looked into it cautiously. “Holy shit!” I screamed at the sight.

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