15- This Is A Wasteland

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**Three Hours Earlier**



I walked into the bar with a sly smirk on my face. The smell of various alcoholic drinks combined and cigarette smoke hit me as I closed the door. Loud pop/dubstep music blasted throughout the club while various people grinded on one another. I made my way to the bar, fighting through the sweaty bodies. I asked for their strongest drink, wanting to be completely wasted after tonight.

After gulping down too many drinks to count, some guy sat on the bar stool next to me, clearly attempting to flirt. All I wanted was to be left alone and wasted though.

Maybe about 15 minutes later, I gave in and started flirting back and just wanting to get my mind off Vic. The guy, who’s name I learned was Max, smirked and placed his hand on my thigh, his fingers playing with the bottom of my dress. I shifted uncomfortably, trying to get Max to realize I didn’t want him to touch me.

He ignored me, and continued creeping his hands up my leg. “Stop.” I demanded, suddenly sobering up. He just chuckled and moved closer to me, his hands now roaming my body. I made a disgusted face and stood up, glaring at him. “Don’t fucking touch me.” I hissed.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled my back. “C’mon babe, I’m sorry.” He slurred, clearly drunk. I ripped myself from his grip and stormed out of the club, feeling completely revolted and just wanting to go to sleep.

Someone’s arm wrapped around my waist tightly. I attempted to let out a scream, but their hand covered my mouth before anything escaped my lips. I was pulled into in alleyway, and I started at the person who grabbed me. To my surprise, it turned out to be the flirtatious guy, Max.

He smirked and pinned me against the cold brick wall, he eyes lustfully roaming my body as his hand found the straps of my dress. “I know you want me, the way you were flirting in there with me. This is a favor for both of us.” He smirked before hungrily taking the dress off me, leaving a rip down half the side of it.

I struggled and kicked and hit but he just ignored me. Eventually I gave up and let him do whatever his dirty mind desired while I sat there, feeling numb.

Once he was done I just wanted to curl into a ball and cry. He looped his belt around his waist and smirked down at the ground where I was hugging my knees to my chest and crying. He placed his icy cold fingers on my chin and tilted my head up to his. “You don’t tell anybody about this, or I will kill you and everyone you fucking care about. Got it sweetie?”

I nodded and suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my temple and warm liquid running down it. I touched it gingerly and looked at my fingertips, to see deep red liquid staining them. The world suddenly became blurry and black spots dotted my vision. The last thing I remembered seeing was Max standing over me, sporting a sly smirk as a broken whiskey bottle dangled in his fingertips.

**Back to present time**


I collected Annabeth in my arms, putting her tattered dress back on her body and hold her close to me, attempting to make her stop shaking. Her purple lips mouthed words that I couldn’t make out. I sat in the alleyway and held her, rocking us back and forth gently. “You’re okay.” I whispered into my hair, kissing her head gently.

I was going to kill whoever did this to Annabeth.

“V-Vic?” She murmured. I looked down to see her once piercing big blue eyes lifeless and gray. They started up at me, containing fear.

“Yeah baby, it’s me. You’re gonna be okay, I’m gonna bring you to the hospital okay?” I said, trying to wipe away to dried blood from her temple.

“No hospital.” She whispered, her eyes slipping closed slightly. “I wanna go home…”

“I’ll bring you home, you’ll be okay, yeah?”

She nodded slightly. “Vic?” She asked again as I got up, holding her tiny, frail body close to me.


“I love you.” She told me quietly, as her eyes slipped closed completely

“I-I love you too.” I replied and stated walking back to the bus.


I was up all night. I didn’t sleep a wink. I half fell asleep in Vic’s arms for about five minutes, but my nightmares woke me up though.

Once we got back to the bus, Vic changed me out of my bloody, torn dress and put an oversized t-shirt over me, probably his or one of the guys’. I was too dazed and terrified while that was happening so I barely realized it. He next brought me to the bathroom and cleaned the nasty cut on my head and the ones that littered my body. We were both silent the whole time, trapped in our thoughts.

He took my hand in his and carried me to the bed, laying me in it then coming in and wrapping his arms around me. Once I was sure he was asleep though, I crawled out from his arms and into the back lounge. I just sat there and stared at the wall, lost in my thoughts.

The sun started creeping through the window, illuminated the previously darkened room. I glanced at the clock; it was 6:45 AM. The boys’ tour manager would be waking them up soon.

The time ticked by, and I didn’t move a muscle the whole time. I just stared into nothing. I heard the door to the back lounge open but I still didn’t move. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Vic walk in and sit next to me. I hugged my knees to my chest and inched away slightly. He reached for my hand but I flinched away from him. He sighed and kissed my head before mumbling ‘I love you’. I tried to say something back but my mouth refused to open.

Ever since the incident I hadn’t let anyone touch me, except occasionally Vic. I didn’t trust anyone anymore. That’s why I couldn’t tell Vic I loved him; I couldn’t trust myself to actually mean it. And it wasn’t about him cheating, that seemed like a speck compared to Max raping me. I just didn’t trust anyone anymore. I couldn’t even bring myself to call Austin and tell him what happened. My trust for everyone was slowly fading away. And the worst part was it was my entire fault Max raped me. It was my fault I became more fucked up then I already was.

Author's Note: Hey guys, it's Kimmie. So, I want you guys to be writing this story as much as I am, so comment ideas, new characters you want to see, even old ones you want to come back. Tell me what I could do better with my writing and story idea or tell me what you like about it! Comment anything, this story is yours as much as it is mine. Okay, peace out! Remember to vote, comment, and share!

What If I Can't Forget You? ↠ A Vic Fuentes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now