12- My Love For You Was Bulletproof, But You're The One Who Shot Me

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**2 Years Later**


It’s been a year since my band broke up, we tried to get together after my dad went to jail but we had no time. Ariana’s pregnant with Kody’s baby and they’re now engaged, Austin is working on a solo career, and Mark has a girlfriend who he’s planning to propose. So now I’m with Pierce the Veil on Warped Tour 2014 as a merch girl. He didn’t want to leave me home and they need a merch girl, so here I am. A lot of at Warped knew who I was, so I received some glares but mostly people asked for a photograph and/or autograph, so I was actually really happy about that.

But Vic’s been more distant with me lately, so I’m kind of pissed about that. I didn’t say anything to Vic though, since I don’t want to start and argument. Mike, Jaime, and Tony have picked up on this and have tried to subtly hint Vic I was upset, Vic being Vic didn’t see the hints. My phone went off and I saw it was a text from Mike.

MikeyWhiskeyHands: Are you coming to the m&g? It’s in fifteen minutes.

Annabeth: Getting ready now, I’ll be there in ten, yeah?

MikeyWhiskeyHands: Okay. See you there.

I’m kind of upset Mike was the one to ask me and not Vic, my boyfriend! I sighed and brushed my wavy black hair, too lazy to straighten it. I straightened out my purple Black Veil Brides t-shirt and grabbed my phone, sticking it in the back pocket of my black denim shorts.

I left the bus and walked over to the meet and greet tent. I showed security my pass and they let me in. “Hey guys.” I grinned and sat in the chair next to Vic.

“Hey.” They all smiled back, except Vic who was busy on his phone texting someone.

I sighed inaudibly and watched as fans poured in, giant smiles etched on their faces. It made me smile, remembering when my band was the cause of those smiles.

After a few people, one beautiful shy girl came up and gave a poster she wanted them to sign. “Um, hi. I just wanted you guys to know that your music has helped me through a lot. My dad abused me and I was bullied at school but your music kept me from killing myself and cutting. So thank you.” She said softly. I got up and hugged her across the table tightly, she reminded me of myself when I was in high school.

“I went through pretty much the same shit you just explained. I want you to know it gets so much better, more than 10 years later here I am, dating Vic fucking Fuentes and as happy as I could be. It gets so much better, promise me when I see you again there will be no more cuts on your wrists.” I whispered in her ear, so only she could hear.

She smiled at me and nodded. I sat back down and grinned. “Do you have a twitter?” I asked. “I think I need to follow more people.” I winked. Her grin expanded and she told me her twitter and I followed her.

“Thank you.” She grinned; taking her now signed poster and walking out. Tony grinned at me and I returned the smile.

A slutty dressed bottle blonde leaned over the table, right in front of Vic. Her boobs were practically spilling out of her bralet shirt. Ew. She smiled seductively at him and started flirting. Vic smiled back and glanced at her boobs a few times. I clenched my jaw and got up. Tony and Mike sent me an apologetic look as Jaime talked to a fan about how good food is. “I’ll be on the bus.” And with that I stormed off.


“I’ll be on the bus.” Annabeth spat and left. What was her problem? I continued talking to the girl, whose name was Kandi, as the boys talked to other fans.

“I’ll see you later.” She winked and swayed off. The boys and I continued signing disks; the thought of Annabeth had already left my head completely.

After the meet and greet we walked back to the bus. Mike slapped me upside the head and glared at me.

“Ow! What the fuck was that for?” I growled.

“Flirting with that blonde slut when your girlfriend was sitting right next to you!” He exclaimed.

“I wasn’t flirting!” I glowered at him. He just rolled his eyes and walked away. I walked into the bus and heard Annabeth crying.

“I know, he’s being a dumbass.” Mike said. I looked into the back lounge and found her crying into Mike’s chest.

“I-I can’t believe he flirted with that fake blonde whore when I was sitting right next to him!” She choked out. “I h-hate him right now, he’s being such a jerk!”

“I wasn’t fucking flirting with her.” I spat. Annabeth turned around and her puffy eyes widened while Mike just glared at me. “And I’m being a jerk? At least I’m not being a bitch. And she’s not a slut, she’s actually being nice, unlike you.” I don’t know what took over me, I just got so pissed.

She got up and made her way over to me, glaring. “Then why don’t you go run off with her? Because right now there’s only one fucking person in our relationship, and that’s me. So why don’t you just go and fuck her. Go fucking date her for all I care, because right now it’s like we don’t even have a relationship.” She spat.

“Maybe I will.” I stormed off while Annabeth stared at me with wide eyes.


I can’t believe he said that, I guess he really doesn’t want me to be on tour anymore. Or be his girlfriend. I took in a shaky breath and locked my self in the bathroom.

“Annabeth?” Mike called out. I put my headphones in my phone, and pressed shuffle. Bring Me The Horizon started blasting in my ears and I let out strangled sobs. I promised Vic I wouldn’t cut again, but that doesn’t matter anymore I guess. Since he doesn’t love me anymore.

I grabbed my shaving razor from the bathroom cabinet and smashed it with a shampoo bottle. I picked up the razors that were in it and brought them down on my thighs, knowing the boys would check my wrists for cuts.

I left the bathroom and was immediately engulfed in a hug from Mike, Tony, and Jaime. Tony glanced at my wrists and seemed relieved that there were no fresh cuts there. I could only imagine his reaction if he saw the mess I made on my thighs.

“I-I’m gonna go for a walk.” I said once they finally released me.

“Want me to come?” Mike asked, probably not wanting me to be left alone.

“No it’s fine.” I said and walked off the bus. Tears were welling in my eyes as I thought about the events that happened today. By now tears were rolling down my cheeks.

After a while of walking I heard... moaning? I scrunched my eyebrows together, looking up from the ground. “What the fuck!” I yelled at the sight I saw.

What If I Can't Forget You? ↠ A Vic Fuentes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now