5- Can We Create Something Beautiful And Destroy It?

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Authors Note: Dedicted to earth_to_jenny/ iaminactive because I'm super sad to see her go since she's one of my wattpad inspirations.


“Ugh, fine I’ll do it.” I growled. Hot Topic wanted to do an interview with Vic and I, why me? I had no clue. I hated interviews, I knew I was going to say something that would embarrass me forever or give me more hate. I already got tweets, and instagram comments saying how much of a bitch I was. And how I was fat. And ugly. And a whore. And well, the list goes on and on. So I really hated being at the meet and greets since a lot of the fans despised me and would just glare at me.

And also due to the fact I had social anxiety and panic attacks, I was pretty fucking awkward around people. So I was not looking forward to this stupid interview.

I quickly showered and put on a JAGK shirt, dark purple and black skinnies (one leg dark purple, one leg black). I left my hair down, letting it dry in its natural waves. I also applied my normal makeup. I threw on my fingerless skeleton gloves too, hiding the cuts and scars on my wrists. I had an hour too kill until the interview. I sat on the couch and before I knew it, I was asleep.

“Annabeth, get yo butt up. We have to go o the interview.” Vic poked my cheek repeatedly. What a nice way to wake up.

“5 more minutes.” I mumbled, stuffing my face into Piplup pillow pet. What, I like Pokemon. Don't judge.

“We don’t have five minutes, now wake up before I get the ice water.” He laughed. I shot up the second he said ice water, he wasn’t bluffing. Vic had dumped it on me when I wouldn’t get out of bed to go preform. I went to the venue, my hair soaking wet. The hairdressers were pissed. Naturally, I blamed it all on Austin.

“Lets go.” I stated, getting up and raking my fingers through my semi-naughty hair. I jumped onto Vic’s back. “I’m too lazy to walk. Too much exercise.” I smiled, leaning my head on his shoulder.

“You are very strange.” He chuckled, shaking his head.

“You just realized that?” I smiled, playing with his hair.


“Hi I’m Vic Fuentes from Pierce The Veil.” I smiled at the camera. “And the girl on my back is Annabeth Harris from Forget Regret.”

“That is correct.” Annabeth said while playing with my hair.

The interviewer laughed. “And I’m Toni from no band because I cannot play an instrument or sing for my life.”

“Ooo I can teach you drums!” Annabeth leaned her head on my shoulder. We’ve been on tour for about 2 weeks now and Annabeth and I have become much closer. “Or guitar, but I’m not that good at that.”

Toni laughed again, grinning. “I may take you up on that offer. Alright, down to business. Vic, you have a new album coming out in 2 months, correct? Right when your tour with Forget Regret ends.”

“Yeah, and personally, I think it’s our best album yet. It’s called Collide With The Sky by the way.” I smiled at the mention of our new album. I personally loved it.

“Awesome.” Toni beamed. “So-”

“Wait, are you braiding my hair?” I questioned, trying to look at Annabeth.

“Maybe…” She mumbled with a smirk present in her voice. “Fishtail braids suit you.”

“Why are you braiding my hair?!” I laughed, putting her on the ground. She moved next to me.

“It’s braid-able.” She shrugged, smiling. I laughed and rolled my eyes, poking her face repeatedly.

Toni chuckled, “As I was saying, who are you guys’ musical idols? Who inspired you to be in a band?”

Annabeth bit her lip, thinking. God, she was really cute. “Well, when I was a kid, my older sister Ferris was obsessed with singing and playing guitar. And she was pretty amazing. I always wanted to be like her, so I learned the guitar and drums. But my celebrity idols would definitely be Gerard Way and Billie Joe Armstrong. All Time Low is definitely one of my idols too. Which is kinda funny because I’m about two years older than all of them so… ya” She trailed off.

“I have to go with Annabeth on this one, definitely Green Day.” I grinned.

“Well Annabeth, I see you have a JAGK shirt, so you are obviously a fan of All Time Low. What would you do if they were here right now?” Toni asked, eyeing Annabeth’s JAGK t-shirt.

“Die.” Annabeth said seriously. “I would fangirl so hard my little fangirl heart couldn’t take it then I would die.” She maintained the seriousness the whole sentence. I laughed hysterically.

“Alrighty then.” Toni chuckled.

About 15 minutes later the interview was over. “Alright I’m Toni.” Toni smiled into the camera.

“I’m Vic Fuentes from Pierce The Veil.” Annabeth said in a low voice.

“And I’m Annabeth Harris from Forget Regret.” I said in a high-pitched voice. Annabeth stuck out her tongue.

The camera stopped and Toni smiled at us. “Thanks guys!”

“No problemo.” Annabeth replied, jumping on my back once again. I ran back to the bus with her gripping onto my back.

I watched Annabeth pound on the drums, a smile pulling at her lips. She was beautiful, and I maybe kinda sorta had a teeny tiny crush on her. Okay, I liked her. A lot. But I couldn’t tell her that, I didn’t want to soil our friendship, I didn’t want our relationship to go back to what it was like in high school.

Sweat beaded her forehead, but she was still as beautiful as ever. Once their set was finished, Jaime ran onto the stage screaming “Mermaid!” He decided to nickname her that since she looked like the Ariel so much. Well, more like a punk version of Ariel.

“Jaime!” She screamed back with as much enthusiasm he had as they walked off-stage.

“Hey Vicky.” She smirked.


“My names not Vicky.” He scowled.

“Whatever, Vicky.” I stuck out my tongue. Before I knew it, Vic had picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. “Put. Me. Down!” I demanded, slapping his back.

“Hm… How about no?” He said, a smirk present in his voice. He walked outside the venue, still holding me. I heard fans cheer and he waved. I gave them a small salute and a smirk.

Vic went over and signed things, me still hanging over his shoulder. “PUT ME DOWN YOU LITTLE DOUCHEDICK.” I screamed, slapping his back with one hand while signing someone’s poster with the other.

Some fangirls and fans that hated me glared, some laughed, and some even chanted ‘Vicabeth’.

“Are you guys dating?” Some girl called out.

“Ew, why would I date this?” I rolled my eyes jokingly while poking Vic’s back.

Wow, I was a really good liar. Because I knew in my heart I had feelings for him, strong ones.

“I second that.” Vic laughed. And I swear, you could hear my heart break as my feelings were destroyed.

What If I Can't Forget You? ↠ A Vic Fuentes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now