The Hidden Story

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A/N Hey guys thanks for reading my fanfiction :) I'm writing this with my best friend Miranda :) hope you guys like lets get reading!.

The Hidden Story

chapter 1.

~first day of senior year~

*Amanda's p.o.v*

"Hey guys" I shouted to my two best friends

"Hey Amanda" they said back at the exacted same time...creepy right I know! Ok so these are my two best friends in the world I've known them since preschool, their twins Miranda and Gigi they don't really look alike but their personality's are. Gigi is a beautiful brown haired girl with big hazel eye's and is a decent hight compared to the girls at our school, Miranda on the other hand is a gorgeous blond with blue sparkling eye's she loves doing crazy thing to her hair like right now for instance she has a purple layer of hair under the blond...but that will change by the end of the week haha!. They have the greatest personality's their always smiling and laughing, when your sad that know how to cheer you up but they have their days as well but if you crack a joke or two BOOM their happy again,

"So how was your summer girly" Miranda asked nocking me out of my train of thought.

"It was ok, nothing great" I said "how about you what did my sisters do with out me"

"Oh my god we took a trip around Europe" Gigi said with a lot of excitement I should add.

Oh and I almost forgot.... Hey my names Amanda Grace I'm 17,I have brown wavy hair that lays on my lower back,and ocean blue eye's some people say I'm the other half's of Gigi and Miranda, I mean I see what their saying I have similar features like I have the same colour hair as G and the same blue eye's as Mir but I do look different I'm really skinny, no I'm not anorexic but I'm one of those people that can eat the whole world if she wanted to and not gain any weight. My personality if I had to guess is good, I love people you could be the most darkest person every and I wouldn't I guess you could say I'm like Miranda and Gigi.


*first bell rings*

Walking inside my first class which is Maths I hate this subject with a passion...

"Hi Amanda" Marcel said shyly

"Oh hey Marcel, how was your summer" I asked the shy boy standing in front of me.

So this is Marcel he's the most sweetest guy in the world but the nerdiest I feel for the kid, I mean he doesn't have any friends except Me,Gigi and Miranda. He loves Maths and English, in my opinion I think he would look kinda hot if he took away those glasses and that sweater vest.

" well you know the same studied for the year, because it is our last year here at this lovely school" he smiled

"yeah I know how muc-" before I could finish my sentence a tired Harry barges through the doors, he started to walk towards my table

"Hey babe" he states "wait why is Marcel talking to you, and why are you even talking to a girl Marcel why don't you go be a loner like usually" Harry said meanly, Marcel just walks to the nearest desk with his head down, I just give Harry a blank look and turned away.

This is Harry my boyfriend and Marcel's brother..shocker right! I mean I hate when he's mean to the poor kid but he is a good guy, he has a really big heart and I love him for that

but my parents don't really approve of him cause of his image he has tattoos and a nose ring, I mean he does look like he could kill anyone and anything he looks at but when you get to know him you'll love him too.

First period passes by slowly I say a few Hey's and Hello's to some of my friends that I haven't seen yet. I get to my table with Miranda and Gigi then out of know where I here a voice behind me "Hey Amanda, miss me" all I can say is OH SHIT.

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