Chapter 3: Project...

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*science class*

*Marcel's P.O.V*

"Ok so partner up with a group of three" our teacher Mr.Simon spoke, first week of school and we already have a project.I mean I don't mind but it is the first week.

Gigi and Miranda both looked at me and we all nodded showing that we were all together for the project. They came to my desk after we where told to go with our partners.

"So who's house do you want to meet up at" Miranda asked.

"Mine, I mean nobody's home so why not" I said looking at Miranda then Gigi's perfect face.We talked about what we wanted to do our project on,science class soon ended and we were on our own ways.

*Miranda's P.O.V*

After science is history the only subject nobody I know is in. I hate this class so much. I walked in and took my usual seat I sat at by this one really nerdy kid,the nobody was on my other side.

I looked up when I heard the door open during classes I saw...Louis.He handed our teacher a note he scanned the Romans he looked over and saw me,smiling her made his way over to the empty desk next to me.Oh my god he is gunna sit with me?.

He sat beside me, don't fangirl! don't fangirl!!

"Hello love" Louis said smiling at me.

"Oh hey Lou didn't know you took history" I said shocked.

"Yeah I mean I'm shit at it but...why not"Louis said smirking at me.

I laughed at his comment he giggled to.

"hey how about you shut up you slut" Nikki said to me. I looked down feeling like shit. Nikki and her friends all giggled.

" I'm pretty sure she's not the one with her legs wide open for the whole school" someone said I looked up and figured out Louis was that voice. I smiled thinking Louis stood up for me. They all got pissed by his words. Then Nikki stood up telling Miss what Louis said. Miss told Louis to get out of class and something just clicked in me."Miss, I said that it wasn't Louis" I said.

Miss looked at me and said "Then you can go in the hall with Louis"

I dropped my head and followed Louis outside.

"Why did you try to cover for me" I said. He just looked away as if I made him mad.

"They do you want to ditch with me..... we could get to know each other" Louis said blushing at the end.

I never have ditched school before, but I want to get to know him this could be my last chance I mean what if he never asks me to hang out again.

"yeah I guess... but u never have been in trouble before" I said as he reached his hand out for me, I gladly took it.

"I promise I'll take the blame" he said with a smirk, and we ran down the aisle I started laughing as we burst out of the front door he giggled with me. We ran for a long time till we got to a open field with knee high grass. Louis walked me to the middle of the field and we sat down.

"So I'm going to get right down to the questions" I said with a smile and looked down.

"Ok fire away" Louis said


"Four sisters" Louis said "How about you"

"Just my twin Gigi"

We went on for hours, and I learned so much about him. Like he has four sisters and born in London England, but he wouldn't tell me much about his family other than his sisters.So I was going to just be straight up and ask.

I lifted my head from his lap and his hand moved from my hair to my hip...oh yeah we got really close and ended up cuddling and other things.No kissing even though I wish.

"Louis what happened with your parents?" I asked shyly. He got up and started yelling.

"If I didn't tell you the first time then I wouldn't have told you the second time!" His voice was booming. I was scared but I needed to calm him down.

"Lou calm down I didn't mean to make you mad" I said getting up and grabbing his hand, he seemed to relax under my touch.

"They got divorced along time ago, and when it happened I took it as something band so I started getting into drugs and my mom got mad so she kicked me out of the house and I had to move here". He finishes with a single tear falling from his face. I wrapped my arms around him and he grabbed me really tight and sobbed into my neck, when we let go I notice my watch and realized I should be going to Marcel's.

"Hey Louis I need to go do my project at Marcel's"I said disappointed I didn't want to leave Louis.

"Oh ok I'll walk you" He said with a smirk. We walked and talked all the way to Marcel's saying good bye to Louis was the worst part of my day...

*Marcel's P.O.V*

"Welcome back" I said sarcastically while oping the door.

"Shut up" she smiled waking in, she told me and Gigi everything except one thing..his family.We started working on our project when asked where the bathroom was.I told her and she walked away.

"Hey Marcel can you help me?" Gigi asked, I looked up to see her hazel eyes staring into my soul.She started leaning in, whether lips met mine all I felt was sparks.She had such an effect on me.

"Ok me and Gigi need to get home see you later Marcel" Miranda said ruining the moment.

"B-bye Marcel" Gigi said while blushing...wait did she feel something to?.

"Bye" I gave her a slit wave and they where gone like that.

*Gigi's P.O.V*

We started walking home and I couldn't help but think about the kiss. Oh god Marcel! THE SPARKS! It's killing me!.

"How was the kiss?" Miranda asked me with a wink. God she's annoying! what about her and Louis...goodness.

"Shut up I'm not talking to you about it" I said rolling my eyes at my soon to be bruised faced sister.

"MY SISTER'S IN LOVE!, MY SISTER'S IN LOVE!" Miranda screamed on the top of her lungs.

I just rolled my eyes....

...wait...was I really in love with him...

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