Chapter 2: The Bitch Nikki

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*flash back*

all I can say is OH SHIT!

*end of flash back*

"oh hey Nikki" I say with a straight face.

all Nikki did was give me a pathetic smirk and look at Harry with a huge grin *cough* BITCH *cough*. Nikki attempted to do the best "sexy walk" she could do over to Harry and trust me..she tried really hard.

"Hey there sexy"she winked,Harry just looked at her and chuckled,she was taken back by his action's and tried again.

"Did you miss me" she asked

"I did actually" he said in his raspy British voice.

how dare he say in front of my face like that.

"are you ok" I hear a whisper that left Gigi's pink lips.

"just peachy" I shot back at her.

you could feel the heat rise to my face as the lame excuse of a girl was talking to Harry.

gladly after what seemed like forever which was only 20 minutes Nikki left and I was sitting there, arms Christ over my chest looking at my now cold lunch.

"well that was a shocker" Harry said with a surprised tone in his voice.I just rolled my eyes and made a "humph" noise. Harry just looked at me with wide eyes...

"Amanda, are you....are you jealous"

"NO!" I shot back at him in a harsh way.

"awww is wittle Amandie jewy"he said in a baby voice.

"No..I just...knock it off"

"you really think I would leave you for that slut...please never in a

billion years babe" he said smiling while showing of his adorable dimples.Smiling at Harry I look at the cafeteria doors to see Marcel showing a tall, mysterious tattooed boy down the aisles of the large,crowded room.

he has brown quiffed hair, sky blue eyes that will make you melt just looking into them, a small metal ring on his lol and many tattoos.Marcel spots us at our table and brings over the teen.

"hey guys this is Louis from London,he's our new exchange student" Marcel introduced.

"hey Louis I'm Amanda, this is Harry and that's Miranda and Gigi" I said pointing to each one of my friends sitting around the table.

*Louis' p.o.v*

" 'ello lads" I said with a smile

I had locked eyes with a beautiful blue eyed girl.I believe Amanda had said her name was Miranda. she was most devine. She never looked away from my eyes either.When I looked at her gorgeous eyes and felt like drowning.

Wait what did I just say that?, I mean I have had feelings for a girl before but they weren't that same, this time it really was something special. I just hope wi t be frighten by me.

*Miranda's p.o.v*


oh my god he was amazing. He had beyond handsome features by far the hottest guy. He was looking at me and all I felt was shivers. Nobody has ever had such a effect on me, especially someone I didn't know. I feel like I've known him or such a long time there was this type of special bond and all I think is that I don't want him to ever leave.

*Gigi's p.o.v*

Really Marcel?! Why do you have a effect on me! I've known you for so long and I've always felt something but pushing it to the side was so much easier.

Haven't you noticed when we sit together and work on math that I slide closer. I don't even like Math! Marcel why can't you just notice me, because I notice you and your perfect jaw line,your beautiful green eyes..... STOP DAYDREAMING GIGI!

*Marcel's p.o.v*

There she is Gigi, the perfect girl for me. She's so beautiful her hazel eyes that make me want to die!. I could just run my hands through her perfect hair all day long.She has such a awesome personality, she doesn't care what people think about her. If people talk bad about me and she notices she stands up for me even if that making herself look bad. She's perfect and I would never hurt her, all I want to do is care for her.

*Harry's p.o.v*

Is this really happening?.. what had the world come to?.....

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