1 - Audrianna

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Six months has passed since Talia and I had the conversation about our future, let's just say that my future hasn't started the way I wanted it to. Right now I am living in Milan, Italy on my own but not for much longer as there will be an extra addition. Let me just tell you how it all happened and why I'm in the situtation I am now facing.

FLASHBACK - 2 Months Ago

"Audrianna, why haven't you done the dishes" Tony said a little bit pissed off with me after slamming a dirty plate down on the counter which made it smash. "Well I'm sorry Tony I can't be working the hours I am at the hospital and expect to clean up after we eat" I said placing my uniform in the washing machine and walked over to the sink and started to run the clean water to start the dishes. I was hiding a secret from him but he pushed me away by my stomach and I doubled over slightly. "No! You're just getting lazy, your just so useless" he yelled and started to wash the dishes himself.

End Flashback

My eyes blinked away the tears as I started to fold some of my clean laudry and place it on the arm of the sofa to take upstairs. I then touched a smooth sort of clothing and picked it up. After looking at it I noticed it was Tony's old NCIS shirt and held it to my cheek "why don't you love me anymore?" I cried softly everywhere going black around me.

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