Epilogue: Becoming Mrs Abigail McGee

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  It's the night before I marry Timothy and I am very excited. I sat and stared at my it was unconventional but very me. I wanted at least one aspect of the wedding to truly be to my standards and then I let the groom choose the rest of it. Our colour theme is so it includes a beautiful , intricately laid tables, and the . I must have fallen asleep at some point because I woke up to someone pounding on my bedroom door. "Abigail Scuito wake you're lazy ass up and get your fat ass out of bed" Talia yelled "My ass aint fat!" I yelled back before getting up and opening the door. "Let's get you ready for your big day today" Talia smiled when I opened the door. "I'm so excited. I'm finally getting married" I grinned. The hours flew by as we got ready, our make up was natural - at the request of my soon to be husband - and our hair was perfectly done in our normal styles. I loved every minute and I got really giddy when it came to putting on my dress. Then it became time, time for me to go and become Abigail McGee. I carefully walked out towards the that would take me to the court house where Timothy and I had agreed to get married. "Right Sarah, you in first, then you Abby, and Ava you sit on the other side and I'll sit next to you Abby. When we get there we'll exit in reverse" Talia instructed "I'll sit next to Ava, give Abby some extra room" Sarah smiled. The exiting of the limo was easy, getting in the court house was the hard part, well for the brides maids since they had insisted that they had princess dresses.

"One at a time ladies!" I chuckled. When we finally got inside it was time. "Are you nervous, Abs?" Tony asked "Aren't you supposed to be down with Tim?" Talia countered "Fine you caught me." Tony groaned "Go on Tony, she'll be down in a second" Sarah shooed him off "Are you ready, Abby?" Gibbs asked "Absolutely, thank you for giving me away" I replied "It's an honour" Gibbs smiled "I think I'm ready, now." I nodded to Talia. "Then let's start" Talia smiled. Sarah and Ava went down first, followed by Talia and then me.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I'd like to welcome you to the wedding of Timothy and Abigail, for any of you who know of any reason why these two shall not be wed please speak now or hold your piece" The registrar started "Then I shall continue. Do you Timothy McGee take Abigail Scuito to love and cherish, through sickness and in health, until death do you both part?" The registrar continued "I do" Tim smiled "And do you Abigail Scuito take Timothy McGee to love and cherish, through sickness and health until death do you both part?" The Registrar asked turning to me "I do" I smiled also "Then by the power invested in me and by the state of California, I know pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" The Registrar concluded. Tim & I did just that. When it came to the wedding reception and Tim and I had our first dance as husband and wife, I watched Talia drag Leroy onto the dance floor too. Audrianna took photos of the beautiful day and she and Tony dropped the bombshell that they were leaving for Italy a few days after we come back from our honey moon.  

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