46 - Ava

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  I was walking over to NCIS to talk to Abby, recently I've been thinking about whether or not to ask Jimmy out. I know it's not the done thing, for the girl to ask the guy but I like him and honestly just want to know if he feels the same and I decided Abby would be the one to help me.
I texted her to let her know I was on my way.
"Hey Abby, just heading over. Want me to grab you A Caf-pow on the way?"
I knew Gibbs wasn't there today as he was going to the first ultra sound so I knew Abby would need a little caffeine kick.
Recently I've started hearing from my Ex-boyfriend Jared, this was another reason I wanted to ask Jimmy out because if he knows I'm in a relationship hopefully he will back off. Lately it's been getting a bit strange; I get messages every day from Jared and seem to know where I am all the time which is weird considering he lives back in the UK. We broke up. Well I broke up with him because he started getting too bossy, telling me what to do and where to go, what I could wear and who I could see, so I was doing well until he got back in contact with me I told him to leave me alone and blocked his number.
After I grabbed two Caf-Pow's I got a message
Withheld number-
"Heeeey Ava, I'll see you later honey, you sure do look nice today. Red was always your favourite colour."

I was really confused because I didn't know who it was and how did they know I was wearing my red coat? I decided the best thing was to ask McGee to look into when I got to NCIS but then I got another message.

You really shouldn't ignore people, it's rude.

I looked around but no one was around apart from a homeless man that I usually gave my change to and what appeared to be an old lady walk her very old dog. Then I felt him, his breath was on my next I knew who it was straight away because there was no way this could be anyone else.
What the hell are you doing here? I asked although I was dreading the answer.
Oh Honey, you didn't think I was going to let you go did you?

Abby's P.O.V
It had been over an hour since Ava told me she was going to grab Caf-Pow, surely she should be here by now ? I was starting to get worried. Normally Ava isn't like this and she isn't answering her phone there was only one thing to do.

"McGee ! I need you to do a search for Ava's phone find out where she is" I yelled
"I can't do that Gibbs isn't here, besides she's probable just busy" he replied
"I swear to god, Timmy don't make me tell Tony about your sleeping habits because I will do it" I knew if I threatened Tim to tell Tony that he speaks in his sleep and that he talks about how he admires Tony I could get him to do what I asked .
"Abby, you wouldn't do that to me...would you?" He pouted
"Toooooooooony" I called
"Okay, just give me a moment, I swear to god this is highly illegal is Gibbs finds out Abby I'm dead". Tim sighed
And then I noticed him standing there watching us, Talia behind him.
"....Um, Hi Gibbs. It's not what it looks like I swear!" Tim froze.
"If you're looking for Ava go ahead" Talia smirked "Talia, don't tell my team things like that" Gibbs sighed "I can do what I like" Talia sassed.  

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