25 - Timothy

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"What's for breakfast sis? Be over once Abby's dressed" I texted Talia. "Come on Babe! I wanna go for breakfast around my sisters!" I yelled up to Abby. "I'm coming Timothy! I'm just making sure my dog collar's on straight!" She yelled back. "Don't know. Leroy's cooking" was the responding text from Talia. "Actually, take your time" I called to Abby. "Why's that?" She asked from the stairs. "The boss is cooking" I replied. At that, Abby's eyes went wide. "Do you think they finally bonked?" She asked "Babe! That's my sister!" I replied "Oh come on Tim. Stop using the baby sister card. She's an adult. She's legal in any country" Abby sighed "Fine. Fine. I'll stop using it" I pouted. 

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