44 - Tony

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  I didn't realise that Gibbs still had it in him especially at his age. I am excited to for him and Talia because it means they can start the family Audrianna has told me that Talia has always wanted. Arlo's going to have a little cousin to mess around with soon which takes the pressure off me and Audrianna for having another kid for a while. It's not that I don't want another baby with Audrianna it's just that I'd like to marry her first. I did try to ask her after Arlo was born but I guess she was just so tired that she conked right out. I guess I'll just have to think of a more perfect way to ask. I wonder what Gibbs and Talia are expecting.... I shook my head and got back to trying to crack a case that was slapped on my desk by Leon this morning since Gibbs has taken the day off so that he could go to Talia's first ultrasound. I ran my hand across my face in frustration. How the hell does Gibbs do it all the time? Sure I've done it a few times but he does it day in and day out without fail. I sigh and start finishing up the report when I get a call from Abby to come down to her lab. I huffed out of my chair and went down. "What you go Abby?" I asked as soon as I got down there. "I got a lot of hits for you" Abby replied "Oh good. I need as much as I can get right now" I sighed in relief.  

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