I Slash Swords Through Your Wooden Spine

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Ryan didn't answer Brendon's call, or the next one, or the one after that. Brendon had tried reaching him from Sarah's device in the hopes that the unknown number would produce some sort of response, hell - he had even gotten Jon, Dallon, and Spencer to try their luck after giving them a half assed explanation stating that he was worried that Ryan might not be okay, and still nothing.

Brendon had shown Sarah everything in the box as soon as she had made her way downstairs, babbling quickly about what he thought the items meant, and how he was terrified that Ryan was planning on doing something stupid, leaving nothing behind for Brendon besides old memories in way of an apology, and even though Sarah tried to argue with him, saying that Ryan was most likely fine, Brendon didn't miss the subtle slump to her shoulders, or the way her eyes misted over with what might have been suppressed tears.

Brendon was close to hysterics by this point, despite everyone's attempts at calming him down. Jon tried to reason with Brendon before he jumped to any more conclusions, stating that Ryan did this sort of thing from time to time - disappear that is, and he always turned up again a few days later, but that wasn't good enough for Brendon, he had to know if Ryan was okay now or else he was bound to go insane.

Brendon was all for driving straight over to Ryan's house as soon as he realized that he wasn't going to answer any of the numerous voicemails that had been left on his phone, but Sarah had encouraged him to wait a little bit longer, forcing him to eat something in the hopes that it would make him feel better, but the food ended up having the opposite effect, ending with Brendon throwing up everything barely an hour later as his anxiety over Ryan led him to the point of being physically ill.

Sarah gave in after that, helping Brendon off of the bathroom floor before leading him to the car, her mouth pressed into a worried line as she waited for Brendon to give her directions to Ryan's house, and although Brendon knew that Sarah didn't want to be doing this right now, and not because she was reluctant to see Ryan, but because she was trying to protect Brendon from getting hurt even more than he already was, he still gifted her with a grateful smile, because he was in no condition to drive himself anywhere at the moment.

At first, knowing that he was on his way to maybe seeing Ryan again had Brendon relaxing happily against the leather seats, the churning in his stomach and the aching in his heart dissipating as they drew closer to his home, but as Brendon's mind had the habit of doing, it began predicting scenarios involving what he would find when he did arrive, and none of them were ideal.

Ryan might not even be there, Jon had warned him of that much, saying that the last time Ryan had refused all contact with anyone, he later found out that he had been in San Diego for some reason or another, only informing Jon of where he had gone on his return. Brendon wasn't sure how he would react if that was the case, but remaining clueless about where Ryan was or if he was alright would surely eat away at Brendon unless he was given some sort of sign that Ryan was taking care of himself at the very least.

But that option would be better than Brendon's original hypothesis, which he had refused to speak aloud after voicing his fears to Sarah earlier on, but what if Brendon was correct, what if he was heading toward a tomb instead of a home, fuck - even the thought had Brendon on the verge of breaking down, a soft whimper escaping his lips without his consent.

"It's going to be okay Brendon." Sarah's voice sliced through the air like a knife, even though she had barely spoken at more than a whisper.

And Brendon wanted to believe her - he did, but he couldn't shake the sinking feeling in his gut that something had gone horribly wrong in Ryan's head, as if there was some tendril of consciousness that connected their minds together, allowing Brendon to be aware of when Ryan was in distress, and that bond was vibrating right now, refusing to let Brendon focus on anything else until he had done everything he could to help Ryan in whatever way he could.

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