Chapter 24 (Cadi's POV)

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So sorry, it's been almost a month since I last updated :( I promise to shower you guys with updates from now on.
Mixed emotions swirl like an over excited soup around the dim, pale grey and black compound. Nobody knows whether we should be happy that we have found our Prince or downhearted that he won't cooperate. Tanith and I are the only people who have come close to meeting him; I met his angel girlfriend, of course, and Tanith has actually talked to him, face to face. However, he rejected her proposition.

"We need something that we can offer him," suggests Clarina, an old friend of Tanith's who is never without her faithful hunting wolf, the big black thing that scarred my leg. I'm not so scared of the wolves now. I even feed them sometimes.

"What does he care about?" Bella asks. "We can blackmail him. Does he have a beloved dog that we can kidnap and hold to ransom or something?"

"Not as far as we know, no," Clarina says dryly. I'm bursting to say Celeste and I can tell that Tanith is thinking it too, but it's an unspoken rule here that we don't interrupt each other.

As soon as Clarina finishes, Tanith says, "he has an angel girlfriend."

Everyone's mouths twist in distaste, remembering their own dark experiences. Leandra, a beautiful girl with large, dark brown eyes, spits on the ground. "So the demons have already imprinted the darkness of their kind on the boy," she says scornfully. "Your plan was set up to fail, Tanith; you think that a boy living with those creatures-"

"Hold your tongue," Bella says in disgust. While it is a rule that we don't interrupt each other, it's also one that nobody questions Tanith. Ever.

"You are bitter, Leandra," Tanith says coldly.

"And you are not bitter enough," Leandra sneers. "What - will you make a deal with the demons, next? Perhaps you can have your darling demon Prince back!"

Tanith goes white with anger, her pale liquid eyes solidifying suddenly, the grey now harder than steel and colder than ice. "Oh Leandra," she says contemptuously. "Your thirst for revenge is so violent, so fierce, that it controls you. You wish too much for it. It makes you foolish. I hope it will help you fight fiercely in the battle, rather than in a wilful and barbaric fashion. I would hate for you to embarrass us."

Her condescending tone makes Leandra flush red. "My wish for vengeance is cool and calm, and the execution of my plan will not involve demons."

"Your plan?" Bella echoes. "What is this, a mutiny?"

"Maybe it is," Leandra says defiantly. "We are following an insane plan that revolves around a demon boy who-"

"Accepts your offer."

Lues is here.

Messy raven hair splayed messily across tan skin and chocolate brown eyes. He's dressed all in black. With him is Celeste, looking in every way a contrast to him. Her hair is long and tied back in a ponytail with a pink ribbon. She's looking distinctly uncomfortable in the cream jeans and shirt she is wearing, probably because those kinds of things aren't found in Heaven.

Everyone turns to look at them. Celeste's cheeks redden slightly at the attention, but she crosses her arms and lifts her chin up. Lues just stares at us, looking completely calm.

"So, what do I need to do?" he asks.

Leandra splutters. "This is insane, this is ridiculous, this is-"

"Silence, Leandra," Tanith says. "Go and call a meeting for your plan if you like. Anyone may follow her if they wish." Her tone is dry and cold as ice. Nobody moves. "Thank you." She turns to Lues, eyes glittering. "Well, our Prince of Demons. Your part in our plan is crucial. You must perform the task perfectly."

"And why is it only me that can do this?"

She smiles dryly. "Your demon friends are loyal to their demon ancestors. You are not."

"So why can't you do it?"

"Because you're purely demon. We are barely angel anymore." I frown at the lie. Lues deserves to know what he is, at least. "Now, the plan-"

Tiny update, but it's leading up to a huge one next chapter! Sorry for both the time it took and the pathetic length and standard of writing >.> But action is coming! Remember to vote and comment :P

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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