Chapter Twelve - The Awakening

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Very short but interesting chapter! Thank you to all my readers, please vote and follow me if you enjoy!

Lots of Love, Kenzie ❤️ Kate


Liam's POV

I sit beside Carmen's bed cradling her small,cold hand in mine. The doctors say they don't know when she will wake up from this coma. As much as I want to stay by her side like I did for the first twenty-four hours, I need to go to work and find out Bane's plans. Fortunately the old Education Director is still in good shape and took over Ryker's position for the last six days so he could stay with Carmen.

Since the incident I have been snooping around Bane's office to find information. But he isn't stupid and has the information hidden well. But yesterday I found a memo on his desk which announced that he had a meeting today, September twenty-sixth, with Leah and some civilians in the conference room. It is highly unusual to have a meeting with average citizens so I am on my way over there now.

Bane doesn't suspect a thing so I am guessing that Carmen's incident was just to divert my attention. I sit beneath the stage just under the speaker's platform. After fifteen minutes the meeting begins with introductions and review.

I perk up when I hear that the attack is scheduled for one month from now. October twenty-sixth at 10:00 p.m., exactly a month from now and I hope that Carmen will be okay by then. The meeting drags on and I take notes on where people will be stationed to begin and where our side can be positioned to stop them. The hardest part will be getting ourselves to Lincoln without Bane noticing.

I some how have to make a call for troops without letting the other directors know. I still don't understand how Bane has been able to keep this movement quiet especially since he has involved civilians. The biggest question in my mind is how he convinced my sister to help him run the operation. My sister was never one to back down to a threat. She could have came to me or the other directors at any time if she couldn't handle it on her own. Now telling the other directors could cause mass execution now. 

At least I'm not alone. When all else is gone there will still be Carmen. My little songbird. If she doesn't come back to me soon I don't know what I do. It is a bleak and dark world without her.  and without her I would still be oblivious to the plan. I feel this is my fault I should have investigated more thoroughly what he needed weapons for. With my signature on that document I can't deny weapons now. 

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I silently whip it out of my pocket. A message from Ryker lights up my screen and my face after I read it. "She's awake." I have to sit cooped up in my hiding spot for another fifteen minutes as the meeting is adjourned and people file out.When all is silent I rush from my hiding spot and head to the hospital.

The ride over couldn't have lasted any longer. I wished I could teleport.

I run to her room and my heart is jubilant that she is awake. Her eyes light up when she sees me and I pull her into my arms, careful of her injuries. We sat and cried together and I have never breathed so deeply. She was okay. I kissed her passionately and she responded both of us basking in the love and happiness. For the rest of the day we sat like that.

The doctor came in sometime and told us there was no permanent damage and she could go home in two days. After the time we spent together lying in that hospital bed grateful for each others company I knew that I wanted to marry her. She would be the one to grow old with. She would be the mother to my children. All I needed to do was propose.


Ohhhh! I am so excited for this to happen! Keep reading and voting!

Lots of Love, Kenzie ❤️ Kate

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