A Birthday Surprise- A Tom Hiddleston One Shot

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I know it's a day late but I wanted to write a one shot for Tom's 35th birthday.

The characters in this are from two other one shots. This Sweet Surrender and This Sweet Surrender - The Prequel. I hope you guys enjoy!

Happy birthday, Tom!


A Birthday Surprise

February 8, 2016

Two soft lips pressed against my temple, waking me from the sweetest dream I'd ever had. My husband and I. Our honeymoon. It was like I had relived it all again.

The two blue eyes that stared down at me, however, were not a dream at all. They were very real.

"I didn't mean to wake you, my love." My husband Tom said with a smile. He was very real. And very mine. My heart soared.

"I'm glad you did. Are you off for work?" I asked, sitting up in bed and wrapping the sheet around my naked body.

Mmm. I am," he kissed my lips and sat down on the bed beside me. "If you don't mind, could you not look so scrumptious? I'm going to be late."

He buried his nose in my neck and pressed his lips to my bare shoulder. The light, coppery scruff on his face tickled my skin. I giggled and pushed him away.

"Go. Hollywood needs you, besides, I have things I need to get done today too."

He retreats from me and sits up, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Like what? You don't have to work today. The house is spotless," he stands and looks around the room before he grabs his coat and slides it over his broad and muscular shoulders.

"Well, my day is pretty full. From now until, hmm, noon I'd say, I have a very important nap to take. Then I'm having a very important lunch meeting with myself. I can't miss that."

He rolls his eyes and bends down to kiss my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his bottom lip between my teeth.

"Kate." He growls a warning. I know better than to start something we can't finish.

I laugh and look up at him. His blue eyes are bright and mischievous but stern.

"Go to work." I grumble and push his shoulder. He laughs as I slap his ass as he walks away.

"I love you, Kate."

"Love you too."


"No, I need you here by 7, Ben. Later isn't an option."

I hold the phone away from my ear as Tom's dearest friend argues the time with me.

"Holly said 7 would be fine. If you have a problem, take it up with her. Besides, this is Tom we're talking about. Your best friend? Remember?"

He huffs into the phone and finally agrees that he can make it by 7. I smile and check Ben, Holly, and little Lillian off my list.

Tom's mom is due at the airport in the morning. I mentally calculate the time I would need to get him out of the house.

His sisters are already here and staying at a hotel across town. We didn't want to risk them running into each other.

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