Be My Anchor (Part Seven) - A Tom Hiddleston Story

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I had planned on this being the last part of this story...but as you will see...that didn't happen. I hope this isn't getting too long and obnoxious. -Olivia

Part Seven-

Tom stares at me with his mouth agape. His hands are holding mine even tighter now. I wait, my heart putty in his hands, for him to speak. He doesn't say anything and I can feel my world begin to shatter and fall to the ground, like a rock through a window.

I sniffle and search his face with my eyes. "Please. Say something." I beg.

He shakes his head and still no words come from his lips. I try to pull from his grip. I cannot take his eyes staring at me, reading me like a book, just like he always had.

"Stop." He murmurs as I attempt to wretch my hands from his hold.

I pause and look at him. His eyes are glimmering. Not from the lights, I soon realize, but from tears.

"I shouldn't have said anything." I confess. I've upset him somehow with my announcement.

"Lennon, no. I'm so glad you did."

I can sense the rejection in the air. He doesn't feel the same. I was an idiot to think he would. How could someone like him ever love someone like me?

The anchor has touched the bottom but the rope is disconnecting.

"No. Just forget I ever said anything."

"Lennon..." he says but I ignore him. I have to make this right. Make up a reason for my admittance.

"I just thought, you know, after so many years..."


"It just seemed only right to tell you but it doesn't have to change anything."

"Lennon!" he shouts. I look around us to see if the staff is about to burst in to see what all this commotion is about.

My emerald eyes meet his cerulean ones, still filled with tears, but he is smiling now.

"I love you. I've always loved you. I will always love you. There has never been, nor will there ever be anyone else for me. It's always been you."

My eyes mirror his now, there are tears and they are threatening to spill.

"Really?" I manage to choke out.

He laughs and pulls me to his chest, his heart beat is rivaling mine, pounding away.

"You are my anchor, Lennon." His voice is filled with emotion, and tears begin to fall down my face.

"And you are mine."

He beams at me and before I can even comprehend what has happened, he is kissing me, softly but passionately. Every bit of energy left in my body flees and I melt into him, his long lean body is all that is keeping me upright.

The spark that pulses between us is fire, a fire that even after all these years, never stopped burning.

He cups my face, placing a plethora of kisses against my lips and across my smiling face.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt anything." The waiter apologizes as he brings in the next round of food.

We both laugh and pull away from each other hesitantly.

"No problem, mate. But I think we are done for the evening?" he looks to me for affirmation and I nod. For once in my life, I'm not hungry. I'm full of so much more.


"Midnight already?" Tom gasps, checking his watch.

"Is it?" I ask. My legs are thrown lazily across his as we watch the stars, not from the rooftop now but from the garden at his home in London.

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