Chapter 1

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"Come on, Aunt Mei-Li," said the little young boy, with hair like the radiant sun like his mother but his eyes are the color of amber, which is different from his parent's eye color.

Can't believe he looks more like his father, and personality. Demanding like the prince he is. He was tugging on my cape. Grace, the Enchantia bear and only one was next to him. "Mama won't know."

I grinned softly. It's been three years since I left my country to live with the most wonderful people I've ever met. I do miss my village and I haven't gone to visit my parents grave. I was to scare to step foot on the land where I was born. Meeting Ella, and Doc that day I floated with no arms. They saved my life by turning me into one of Doc's experiment.

Scared? Yes, but I've gotten over it since I wasn't the only one. Ella too has a unique ability to summon crystals from her body using the rare gem, the Enchantia crystals said to be own by the Goddess of Thalia.

I, on the other hand, have a different ability. Able to grow new arms and hands, Doc, who I now call Father, gave me a special candy that gives me the ability to shape my body like a large reptile. Extractable sharp claws, poisonous fangs, long tongue, and I could climb walls so easily and scales that gave me the form of camouflage onto any surfaces. I may be a swordsman but those abilities do come in handy. The way I fought those bat-like humans whom Ravena had summoned while she was taking over the kingdom because of her hatred and jealously towards Ella's mother, Danielle.

I found that very unpredictable and foolish.

Another tugged. I glanced down at the young prince who flashed his innocent look. "Please!"

"Your mother will not approve," I said firmly.

"I just want to take one ride, please!" He begged again.

I grunted softly and surrender to the small two-year-old Prince. "Alright, but just once."


I smiled at his happy expression. I closed my eyes and shifted myself into a large lizard with my human face and a large tail. I wasn't the only one who can shift, but instead of changing into different people, I only change into one animal, a lizard.

The young prince didn't seem scared and find it amazing. Even when he was a year old, he found me interesting. I put the young prince on my back and with the nearest Enchantia tree, I climbed it with ease. As I jumped from one tree to another, the boy on my back screamed with joy and excitement.

With strength like a large lizard, I felt more of a dragon without wings. Soaring from tree to tree.

After a fun ride, we were back on the ground and I froze with an upset mother, my sister, Ella. And in her arms is her daughter. Ella and her two children decided to visit her parents home, now home to her new adopted parents and I while her husband is busy with royal meeting.

I wonder if Lucas is with him. Wait! Why am I thinking about that womanizing man? I shook my head.

"Mama! Did you see me?" Said the exciting boy, his amber eyes sparkle. "I was flying."

"Yes, you were," I know Ella can't be angry with her children, after all, they obtain the same ability as she does. "Mei-Li, how many times have I told you to be careful with Elian?"

"Like a million times," I mocked.

"Make that two million," she countered, but she smiled. "I know you won't hurt them but I'm very sensitive about my kids playing with things they won't get hurt from especially, having unique powers as I."

"Ella, you don't have to worry," I assured her. "Father had test them and both possess the same bone structure and strength as you except they manipulate something different."

"Yeah, Elian's red crystals that he can shot flares of crystal arrows, while little Alina has green crystals embedded in her body. She wouldn't spot growing flowers all over the castle. The servants have to removed them before we are trap within the castle."

I laughed. Alina has her father's dark hair with her emerald crystal eyes sparkling and giggled at my laughter. She's only one years old and already summon vines, trees and flowers not to mention she can summon animals as well. It's amazing how one little girl can control so much power. It's the Enchantia crystals. Ella and Prince Matt her husband always wonder before their children were born if they would have the same ability as their mother. They've guess right.

Since Ella has all different type of crystals in her, she never once noticed the other variations of power she can do. Besides healing, shifting and weapon contraction she wonders what other powers she can do with it.

"Well, it's time for dinner," she announced. I suddenly felt a growl in my stomach. "Come on, Elian. Father will come for us."

"Okay!" He exclaimed and took his mother's hand. As they walked inside the Ashford estate.

Can't believe two years had passed and watching Ella with children of her own makes me so happy for her. With her rough life under the care of Ravena she endured it till the end and Ravena realized her mistakes and made amends. But that doesn't mean she's off the hook just yet. Ella never contacted her since her banishment to Ravena's parents home which is fifty miles away from the Ashford estate.

I know Ella would have time to visit from afar and watch her stepmother live regularly. And it seems Ella is happy for her stepmother. During their fight inside the church, I've never seen such determination to take Ravena down. Since Ella couldn't stand up to her, she finally managed to fist in combat and nearly destroyed the church.

Overall, I'm proud to have a sister like her. I'm the only child and no parents like hers. Speaking of parents, it's almost their death anniversary.

After dinner I, head to the river and light a candles each on a paper shape into lotus flowers in respect for their souls to rest in peace. I blew lightly as it sail I top of the still water. Put my father's Jade sword in front of me and I clap my hands together. Praying for them. Asking them forgiveness of my foolish mistake.

If I didn't do as I was told and marry the snobby emperor then the invasion of Khan and his rogue men wouldn't destroy my village attacking the city then my parents won't be spilling blood.

I cringe closing my eyes remembering that terrorizing image that kept appearing in my head.

Stood up and head back to Ashford estate.

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