Chapter 2

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The next morning, I pull out my Jade sword to train my martial techniques. Swirling, spinning and do with self-defense tricks whenever an enemy would try to stake me. I would also gracefully dance with it as if the sword it leading me to victor.

I've learned from the best infamous master who taught me everything. It was a difficult training, from climbing the highest mountain, staying under the rain crouching holding two heavy rocks on my hands outstretching my arms, and not to mentioned blind-folded me while he threw pebbles to control my sense of hearing. I would be sore all over my body, but it's no matter of resting. It was a way to enhance my skills in sword fighting and combat.

I've trained with Master Qin for seven years until my Father found out about it. He was utterly upset and forbid me to see my master again. He was so upset that I wasted my life with a teacher who he doesn't know and wanted to marry me off.

Marry? I'm too young and wasn't ready for a commitment. My family was poor and had enough to eat of bread and milk. Father was a soldier for the Jin Empire, but during his time in battle had lost his ability to walk, which lead to drinking. When he caught me secretly going to the Mt. Huang Yun to meet my master, he would beat me with a stick endlessly until my bum looks solid red and my skin could be torn. Mother would try to stop him, but it was no use. He was a soldier after all. It was painful that whenever I sit it burns increasing it more. The amazing part was though my Father could not walk anymore he's able to beat me with every energy he has. I didn't whine, nor cried, I simply respect the man.

Father was a man with pride and honor for the king, but he no longer maintain it since losing his legs. The doctors couldn't do anything and told him that it was too late to regain it back. That's when the drinking started. Day and night he would drink talking about how useless he was to his family and the empire. He wasn't mad at the world but mad at himself.

The next step for me was blindfolding. I took out a piece of cotton cloth and hover it over my eyes blinding me to see nothing but pitch black. This technique I use the sense of hearing. Carefully and fully aware of my surroundings. I ignore the sounds of birds singing, the cows moaning from the barn and concentrate. A small gust of wind passed by as I heard the leaves on the tree brushing against each other as one leaf would fall.

My senses picked up as I felt movement using my sword to cast a small wind around the leaf. The leaves continue to fall as I picked up the pace without let one single leaf fall to the ground. Each movement and twisted my wrist to create a small gust of winds with my sword formed a whirlwind motion.

I kept the movement going until I raised my sword without ceasing the motion and with a final move. I pushed my sword giving more force of the wind to blow the leaves up above and I with moved my sword presenting a large slice move, which would have cut all the leaves.

I removed the cloth from my eyes squinting as I caught a glimpse of the sun. I saw all the leaves I gathered all cut into two.

"Mei-Li!" I heard Mother's voice coming from the house. "Still training?" she asked.

"Almost done, Mother," I returned a reply.

"Okay, breakfast is ready you come and eat."

"Yes, Mother."

She nodded and went back inside the house. Priscilla isn't really my mother, but she and Father do make a perfect pair. I would have never expected a beautiful fairy with silvery eyes that are too pretty to look at, and long silvery hair that matches the moonlight to be Ella and I's adopted mother. She's very gentle and a great cook, though Ella has great dishes but Mother has so many recipes I couldn't remember most of them. When she has her temper, I don't think it would prudent to mess with Mother especially since she can create something more powerful than a small fireball when she almost burn Father if Ella was there to protect him.

My stomach growled informing me to feed it. I sheathed my sword back, and another growled rumbled. I've never been that hungry in my life. It's probably the effect of being a reptile.

Take one look at the sun and head back inside to find my adopted parents sitting at the table.

"You've practice so early in the morning, Mei-Li," Father said as he took the eggs in his mouth.

"My master told me that waking up in the morning helps metabolize your body which also helps with the energy flowing inside you."

"I see," he nodded in interest. "maybe I should do that too."

"Franklin, you can never wake up that early," Mother implied, as she took a bite of her bread, "you sleep in."

"That's because you never wake me up, woman," he snapped.

Oh no, they are at it again. Every morning is like a daily routine for them. I regretted taking Ella's offer and lived with her at the castle. But then again, it was for the best. I didn't want to run into someone who makes my skin crawl that it's felt like an itch.

"If you weren't so busy at your secret hideout so late then you wouldn't be snoring like Grace," Mother stabbed her pork strips. "It's a good thing she's staying at the castle otherwise, I would have kicked you out and have her back here."

Father grunted, his face turning red I could almost see smoke coming out of his ears. "You vicious woman!"

Mother stick her tongue out and laughed at Father's expression. They may fight a lot but it shows how much they love each other. I remember my real father would get scolded by my real mother for some simplest things and then, he would apologize saying how much he loves her. that was before he lost his will to walk, now my mother beside worried about him she begins to be scared of him, not because of his temper but his unstable legs.

I continued to finish my breakfast while Mother and Father continue to argue before I head back outside and trained. After that, I planned to visit Ella and my little nephew and niece wishing I don't run into who I shall not name while I think about him in my mind.

What is the matter with me?

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