Chapter 27

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"W...What are you talking about?" I was choking out laughter, and began to step back away from these things. "I-I can not be your sister. I was raised by humans."

"Because master gave you to the Hua Family to be raise there," said Mu Yan.

I was beginning to stammer my words as it block the air in my lungs. "I cannot be...can't be a demon."

"Not demons," said the male twin, "We are dragons, drakos, guardian of the Divine City where immortals are born."

"No," I shook my head. "I grew up in a human home and suddenly you claim I'm your baby sister? This does not make senses?"

"It's true," Mu Yan face fell and looked at her brother then at me. "You, Yao Shi and I have the same father but different mothers. Yao Shi and I mother is a full dragon while yours was human."


"Our father fell in love with a mortal human who healed him after a deadly battle and made her his human wife. Our mother didn't mind and had your mother brought back here but she refuses. So, father would often visit her and tag us along to see you. You were the most adorable thing I've ever seen and we cherish you. You even have the power to summon dragons at your command. It was dangerous so father sealed your powers." her voice trailed to sadness. "But, the ancestor of Khan heard about the child who can summon dragons even the great Seriyu wanted your power so, while protecting you, father took part of your immortal powers and hid it in a pearl. Your mother was killed while holding you and Master saved your life while he defeated Khan's ancestor."

I stood there. Frozen, while listening to my unheard background that once were in my memory but was sealed from my mind when I was just a baby.

Mu Yan continued with her sad expression. "That is why Master sealed your memories and placed in you in the care of trusting humans, who knew nothing. He didn't want you to recollect the horrible and terrifying event of your mother's death."

I started to bring back air in my lungs as the whole world around me started to turn. I stumbled back only to be caught by warm and familiar arms. 

"I got you," I heard Lucas whispered in my ear. 

I didn't care if it was Lucas but I clinched my fingers in his clothes. Just collecting of this that I've have learned from two immortal dragons who are supposedly my siblings. 

"Xiao Mei?"

I stop Yao Shi from approaching me as I stood up facing away. "I...I need a moment to think."

I grabbed my sword and walked away farther to scan the view above the top of the mountain. Letting the breeze to cool both my body and mind. 

How can all this happen to me? All this time I thought I was a daughter of a farmer, a commoner, daughter of a soldier. I lived a happy childhood life with my parents until my father started drinking and angry at his disability. He put his anger on me, saying how a useless daughter I was.

"Stop calling me father! Your not my daughter, I should have never agreed to raise you. You will only bring bad luck to us."

I huffed, choking air stuck in my throats only to remember his words when I did something to anger him. He beat me with his walking stick until my rum started to turn red and spots of blood. I realized now why he hated me so much and tried to give me away so his problems will be someone else. That was the day he was so mad, not only I was beaten, he kicked me out for a day until mother can bring me back tending my wounds and comforting me with words of a mother's love. But, I cried that night because only she cares for me. 


I didn't turn but heard Lucas voice behind me. I pulled back my tears and sniffled. I wiped it away. 

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