Chapter 3

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I smiled sweetly at each passing servants as they made their way on the job. They giggle and flirt and giggle some more when I would give a wink or two.

They're to many pretty servants they are taunting me to give them something other than their salary. Who doesn't want a Prince like me, dashing and utterly handsome than all my brothers, though we do are the same but different in mixed of blood. My mother, Lucinda, came from the kingdom known to be the land of love. The Amorian Kingdom, where everyone knew each other and beautiful place. It could be the perfect place to visit for a while. We tend to fall in love whoever pleases us until we find what they call a soulmate and sadly I haven't found one yet.

My mother said she found her soulmate through Father, the King of Enchantia but once I was just a year old she died in an accident that scar me for life. Mother was my tender loving care and the only woman in my heart until someone could take her place.

A few more servants passed by me, giving me their naughty and playful smiles. I blew a kiss they sighed heavenly.

While my brothers are busy doing their business I took a walk in the halls of the Kings before I could do something exciting.

Suddenly, I heard small little footsteps coming from behind and a child's giggle adding to a large yell from the Bertha one of the servants of the castle. I turned to find my nephew, Elian, my eldest brother's son running through the halls.

"Young Prince!" Bertha wheezed. "Please, wait. You mustn't run."

"Aunt Mei-Li is coming! Aunt Mei-Li is coming!" He announced loudly, so happily.


That caused my heart to jump. Before Elian passed by me, I pulled his collar tugging him back carefully.

"Didn't your mother tell you not to run," I said firmly as a warning, "you could get hurt."

"Oh! Prince Lucas," the large servant catch her breath and bowed to me. I nod back at her.

"I can't get hurt remember," my amber crystal eyes nephew pouted, I smiled.

"Why are you running?" I asked.

His expression changed to joy. "Aunt Mei-Li is coming and I'm going to ask her to play with me."

"Why can't I play with you?" I said, upset. "I'm your uncle."

"You always play with the servants, and they would always have fun," he said, then he looked curious. "What game are you playing?"

I flinched. "A game when you reach thirty," I didn't want to explain to a two-year-old that the servants and I aren't playing a game it's more like-

"Announcing Lady Mei-Li!" shouted the announcer as his voice reached the halls.

Elian gasped excitedly and was released from my grasp. As he ran again heading towards the throne room. Shaking my head, I followed in pursuit.

Once in the throne, I stiffen as I caught the site of Mei-Li greeting Ella and greeted the children. My whole body just froze in place, I can't budge a step towards them. Towards her.

There was something about her the day I tagged along with Matt wanting to see Ella, who was Danielle at the time. They were bathing which made my body heated, but with a blink of an eye Mei-Li wasn't no longer in the water but she held firmly my arms behind my back and her dagger at the center of my neck.

At first, I thought she was a wicked woman with a wicked tongue. But, with one glimpse of her beauty and long dark raven hair and dark eyes, my heart was captivated I was pulled towards her. She somehow noticed for being too rash and tried to threaten me with anything she can to scare me away. That didn't stop me. I was drawn to her.

Mei-Li smiled at Elian who held his hand up. She smiled, so sweetly, she picked Elian in her arms. Cradling him and tickles him. As the whole room filled with a child's laughter.

Taking an inhale and finally able to move my feet from this spell that she'd put on me. Headed straight to them to greet this lady warrior.

She noticed me walking towards and her smile fade rolled her eyes and curse silently. She put Elian down.

I smiled. "Well, hello Mei-Li. Did you come to see me?"

"It's better to dream then think of the possibility, your highness."

"Maybe I will," I teased, she groaned.

"You are seriously arrogant, your highness," she gritted her teeth.

"I'm not conceited, milady. Just simply stating the possibility of I ever be in your dreams"


"Okay, you two," Ella stepped between us. Probably stopped her adoring sister from raising her blade at my neck. "Enough, I swear Mei-Li you are going to end up like Mama and Papa."

"No, I will not!" She snapped, until she frowned. "I'm sorry."

Ella chuckled. "It's quite alright. Come we have the small tea party in the garden. It's going to be fun, right Alina?" She bounces her daughter as Alina giggled and clapped her small hands.

"Tea party! Tea party!" She said, then looked at Mei-Li. "Auntie come?"

The beautiful smile was brought back on her face after Alina asked. My heart fluttered. "Of course. Anything for my Féicuì Hua."

"What does that mean?" Asked Ella, curious of the language. I too was curious.

"It's means Emerald Flower."

"It's beautiful," I awed. Then I spot a pink blush on her face before she could turn her head the other way.

"Well, enough chitchat here and let's go talk in the garden," Ella said, then turned to me. "You, Lucas aren't invited."

"Why not?" I playfully whined.

"No, boys allowed."

"Elian is a boy," I argued. I really should not beg myself to join them to get closer to Mei-Li.

"He's my son."

"Now, you are just being bias, dear sister-in-law," I smiled.

"I'm not being bias," She said, and chuckled. "Besides don't you have a meeting with my husband."

Lift my brows up. "You know, your right. I guess I have other plans."


I bowed to both ladies but, glanced at Mei-Li. "Till we met again, m'lady."

One last look of the raven hair maiden, I walked away with a smile on my face.

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