Chapter 19

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"What a cowardly move, Captain," Ping smirk. "But I got to hand it to you, for a woman, you ain't so bad." He spin his large blade. "No woman have ever hit me that way. You are essentially strong for a woman."

I growled. Tightening my grip of my sword.

His eyes widen in shock but was fallen with amuse. He laughed that jiggle his large stomach. "So, now I see why the Boss has an interest with you." He began to walk in circles and I mimic his move. The continuous flames burn the ship. "It's a miracle how you survived that fall and got your arms back but how? That is the important question. Who knew you would be in the care of Frank Rumpkin."

I gasped hearing the name of my adopted Father.

Ping pulled a grin at my stun expression. "Your so called father isn't the only one who can operate on a human being. Doctor Hyde is truly a miracle worker. What till you see Khan in his true form." Then he laughed mixing with the roaring fire.

Doctor Hyde? Albert Hyde, Xin also mention while chasing us. My eyes grew wide. No!

"With the Boss's new strength no one can stop him now," he laughed even louder that I'm done waiting for him to make the first move.

I charged with full force. When with one blow, Ping hit me I went flying away smash through the walls of the ship.

His laughter filled the air. "I let you go easily but now I'm going to show you my true power." Under a minute Ping transform his whole body into an animal; head, arms, hands and legs no longer human now a standing pig. I almost laugh but held it in.

Rose from the floor and wipe a dirt off my face. I smiled in amuse of Ping's animal counterpart. "Seriously?" Now I didn't want to fight him. I mean he looks stupid and hilarious. It's a distraction. "A pig? Couldn't the doctor give you something better like a worm or a leaf. Now that would fit perfectly for you."

"Shut up!" He oinked. "The Doc said pigs are known to be of royalty."

"Yeah to be roasted." I laughed. I seriously don't feel like fighting.

He roared and began to charge at me dipping his head to attack me with his large tusk. I dodge it smoothly then he hit the same wall having his head stuck.

"Now you will be on the Royal wall, your highness," I taunt.

He pulled out and scream with a very deep roar. He swung his sword at me but I avoid it at every move he made. His sword swung towards me I block it with my sword with full force I pushed him away.

"Your father gave you something very powerful," he praise with amuse once I shift to my animal counterpart.

"At least I could snap your neck into pieces," I snarled, held my sword up to my face.

"That I would love to see what you can do," he put his sword behind his back and began to run towards me and push his feet to the floor creating a elastic band to make him jump high above.

I couldn't see where he is. The flames walls my every site to find Ping. Then a heavy shake made me look up to see a round figure that I got out of the way but was too late and is crushed by Ping's body bolt me down to the ship and into the water.

I woke and swim up when I heard him laugh and taunt at the same time. "Haha! You are a weak test subject. Don't you know pigs like me eat lizards like you."

The sound of the ship began to sink from the hole Ping had me create from his belly flop.

I swim around and climb out to go back on top. Ping turn and snort. "Well, you survived that hit."

"You can't kill me," I told him. "Pigs may or may not eat lizards but I'm not just a lizard."

"Oh, pray tell."

I'm tired of his games. No answer from me I pivot my feet to push me in full force that I began to hit Ping in multiple areas of his body. Punch his face like a sand bag used for training, strangle him with my tail around his neck chocking him while I held his arms behind his back, when he threw me I jump safely retracting my claws at him he blocked my moves.

He hit me with full force again as I wrap my tail around his neck to pull back and I gave him a kick to the face.  We fought in circles surrounded by walls of flame keeping us in like a burning cage. Ping held me by the neck again and threw me to the floor. I can see where he got his strength. I can't believe someone besides Father can turn someone into something else. Who could it be? Does Father know him. And what is Khan's power. What animal he become? Too many questions to ask that distracted me from fighting with Ping. He pulled onto my tail and pulled me above his head as he laughed. He swung me hitting the wall of the cabin. Ping tried to grab me again but I slither between his legs that I climb his body pulled out a string from my clothes and tied around his tusk. Ping started to go wild to throw me out but I rode him like a bull to claim him down. I learned this from my Father when we tried to herd back the cartels back in the barn and one bull was too stubborn and crazy to go back. He jump then rolled his head to kick me off but I held on tight. He reached over his back, grab me then punched me.

I cough out blood. Weakly rose and stood my stance. Ping rumble his stomach in a laugh.

"You really are a true warrior, Captain but you can't defeat me," he let out an evil laugh. I ball my hands into a fist and enrage my body in heat that I have to take him down now. When I increases my speed, Ping didn't see me coming but was struck with my fist so hard he went fly backwards. When I jump on him he started to get heated that some of my hits actually scratch him and he fall back trying to cover his face I never let myself go. His eyes were closed and he yelled angrily, I kicked him right in his large stomach that sent him flying up. I climb the pillars of the ship feeling it sinking slowly. I catches up with Ping and with a final move raised my claws up and stile through his body he gag that blood spilled from his mouth.

His body then fell down hard on top of the ship he lay there. Motionless.

The ship continued to sink and in flames I heard voices from a distance and spot the two others ones I didn't get the chance to kill, Xiao Fong and Li Wei swimming to shore. Step down to find Ping's body. I could hear him breathing slowly as the blood spilled out from his body. I pulled on his collar. "Where is Doctor Hyde?"

He weaved inhaling a bit of air for him to speak. "You are so strong."

"Where is the Doctor?"Shaking him as I pulled my fangs out.

"In the Dragons Mouth Cave, t-here's a-" he weave, "a s-small cabin. T-that is where, K-khan keeps him."

Dragon Mouth Cave? So, that is where Khan's hideout is.

With his last breathe Ping laughed weakly. "When Khan becomes Emperor, all of Jin Empire will be under his command. Unless, your idiot emperor agrees to give up his throne once he gets his precious Pearl."


Before I could ask, Ping bite something hard in his mouth creating white substance choking him to death. Blood mix in with it flowing out from his mouth. He poison himself to reveal any further of Khan's plans.


I growl furiously. Parts of the ship starting dropping like burning flares of rain. I immediately climb the pillars again to the top.

I took a long leap from the ship down to the beach shifting back to normal watching Khan's ship sunk deep into the ocean. Now he got no place to go with his ship gone he won't run away. My body felt heavy and tired I took and inhale of burning wood into my lungs. Going back to the forest I ran in a quick speed to find Ling and Syrena.

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