Left Alone

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I don't honestly think that could have gone any worse. Erulasse is blinking at me in embarrassment, and Lady Thiel has fled.

"My Lord, I'm so sorry," she says finally, face flaming red, eyes trained on the ground. "Thiel...loves her freedom, I suppose. But that does not excuse her; I'm sorry."

I find myself shaking my head at her. "No, Erulasse, you need not. Tell me, how long have you spent tidying up after Thiel's mistakes?"

It was the wrong thing to say, I know that as soon as I see the defiant lift in her jaw. "You would do well not to insult Thiel, she is to be your bride." Erulasse's voice begins with venom, but the end of her sentence is delivered flatly.

"It displeases you."

"She will be the Queen," Erulasse shrugs. "She deserves a good match."

I take a deep breath, realizing that I'm going to have to explain that I really don't have any desire to love Thiel, just to...well...use her for an heir. Even in my head, it sounds awful, and I wince.

"Erulasse, I'm certain Thiel does deserve the best. An arranged marriage is not, clearly, what she desires. I--"

Erulasse shakes her head at me bitterly. "I suppose it would have been too much to ask for you to actually love her. You don't want Thiel, you want a legitimate child. Don't you?"

"You did end up joining the Guard, then, didn't you?" I change the subject smoothly. "Clearly you've gained some confidence if you're challenging your Prince's motives."

"She's my best friend," Erulasse says in a hard voice. "I'd challenge the Valar for her."

I raise an eyebrow. "You're very loyal."

Erulasse hesitates suddenly. "My Lord...I stayed only to apologize, not to argue. May--may I go?"

"I'll walk you to your rooms." I respond automatically, and she gapes like a fish.

"Oh---no, I'm---it's perfectly safe---there's no need----"

I offer her my arm. "Lead on."

Erulasse hesitates, and I can tell she's warring between defiance and what it would mean to disobey. In the end, she ignores my arm and walks ahead of me, knowing I'll follow but not acknowledging me.

"Would you send my apologies to Lady Thiel for the abruptness of our conversation when next you see her? Extend an invitation to dinner."

Erulasse whirls around in the hallway, and I almost run over her at her sudden stop.

"I'm not your messenger, My Lord. Tell her yourself, unless maybe you don't care for her at all?"

She bites her lip hard at my coldly raised eyebrow. "Give Thiel my invitation." With that, I turn away. She can walk herself back. I sweep down the stairs and back to my own chambers, slamming the door in frustration. If I cannot manage to convince Thiel to wed me, I'll be left with my father's choices. Yet, with her attitude and Erulasse's cursed protectiveness, I doubt I'll get anywhere.

You've forgotten how to interact with elves since you were burned, says a nasty little voice in the back of my head.

"Oh, shut up!"

"My Lord?" Galion sticks his head in, unannounced as always.

"You too!" I snarl, heedless of what he may have had to say.

Galion backs out with a very obvious eye roll and I sit down on a soft couch in defeat, head in hands. What in Mordor am I supposed to do now?

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