On The Hunt

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"Well, last night was fun, wasn't it?" I say in a bitter tone before turning around. I've heard the quiet sounds I'd learned to identify with Thiel's anxious footsteps. She'd been following me, I believe anyway, for the last couple of minutes.

"Yeah, sorry about that," says Thiel as she catches up, spinning in front of me. Her usual braids had been replaced by a complex updo usually reserved for special events. It made me stop for a moment. Had she...accepted Thranduil's offer?

I shoot her a look and she smiles at me sheepishly.

"Listen, I am really sorry about leaving you with Thranduil," she says. "But I...panicked. A proposal was honestly the last thing on my mind. But it's all good now, I swear."

"That's great Thiel, but I'm meeting Nelion and a few other elves for some patrolling. So I need to go."

"Ohh, who's this 'Nelion' you speak of?" She says, a twinkle in her eyes.

"Just a fellow guard," I say with a shrug. "The real question is what's going on between you and the Prince? Are you getting married..?"

Her eyes suddenly fall to the ground, the sparkle I've been used to gone. What was going on? Had she agreed to marry him against her will?

"For now, the wedding's on." Her voice is somber, and I can't help but frown at her reaction. "It won't happen for a while though. I talked to the King last night about this all, bought myself some time to just think of a way out."

Her voice falters on the last couple of words, and I can tell this whole thing was a bit too much for her right now. Before she can go on, I hug her. Her feet tumble a little bit as she tries to compose herself.

"I'm fine, I'm fine..."Oh!" She suddenly jumps up.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Thrandy wants to apologize to you-"

I giggle suddenly, stopping her immediately.

"Thrandy?" I ask questionably. She shoots me a look, nodding.

"You know I give nicknames to everyone. Besides, Thranduil Princy Prince of Greenwood sounds too formal for my tastes. May I go on?"

I nod.

"His butler arranged something. It's tonight and given he's more than likely going to end up married to your best friend, you should probably go."

I freeze up, a little uptight all of the sudden. He wants to talk with me? He'd already apologized, so surely there was something more to this than just saying sorry. Maybe he wanted to ask about Thiel more? Yeah, that was probably it.

"Okay, I'll go," I say at last. Thiel nods, content. "But I need to leave now, or else I'll be late. And I can't allow orcs and giant ugly spiders to waltz into Greenwood."

"Don't get yourself killed, then."

"I'll try not to."

She smiles slyly, before disappearing down the corridor to who knows where. I smirk before quickly traveling in the opposite direction. Who knew what horrors the woods would have in store for us today?

Well, I guess the so-called 'horrors' I'd predicted would be revealed wouldn't show up this time. I huff, falling into my boredom, as we continue to trek over the mossy ground. Since there was so little activity going on, it was just Nelion and I. We'd been walking for what seemed like an eternity. Nothing had happened.

As I tuck a few run-away strands of hair behind my ear, Nelion comes up to me. He wore the typical guards uniform, as I did, only his long brown hair was tied up in an unusual style for an elf- a messy bun. I'd gotten use to it, as he only styled his hair like that during patrols, claiming it 'helped him see better' with his hair out of the way.

"Spot anything?" He utters under his breath. I take a quick glance at him and see his hand tightly gripping his bow. I half-smile at his eagerness. Someone was itching for a fight.

"Not yet." I whisper back. Nelion nods, eyes scanning the forest quickly.

"So, I heard you and the Prince have a meeting later today. Care to confirm the rumor?"

I roll my eyes, trying to act nonchalant about it all, while simultaneously my stomach did somersaults. It flipped in harmony with the rapid flutter of my heart.

"He just wants to apologize for the other night." I say sharply. "We had an awkward run-in when he attempted to propose to Lady Thiel, and soon afterwards she ditched us, leaving me to clean up her mess. As usual."

"You don't like her?"

"Oh, of course not." I say, turning to catch his eyes. "She's my best friend. It's just, she can create some rather awkward situations."

Nelion laughs lightheartedly. He had an almost enchanting laughter, which deeply contrasted the plainness of his tunic and unconventional hair style.

"She's to be wed?" He asks as soon as his laughter fades. "To Thranduil?"

I sigh, and nod unhappily. He gives me a puzzled look.

"She doesn't consent?"

"Officially, she has." I turn my eyes back towards the woods. "In her heart though I know she doesn't wish it. But, he'll be a good match for her."

"A good match, you say?" He says with a questioning look.

"Yes," I affirm. "Thranduil might be a bit empty headed, but I can tell he's sincere. He wants to do what's best for his Kingdom, and I can respect that. He has a lot integrity too, and can be pretty good company given the correct mood.."

I shut my mouth as I realize I've started trailing off about the Prince. Nelion shakes his head mockingly, a sly smile on his lips. I blush a bit, my eyes fleeting to the ground in a desperate retreat.

"Sounds like you are rather fond of him." He remarks.



I snap my head back in confusion to face the sound. A single black arrow, long and rigid, has struck a tree a few feet from Neilon's head. With a sickening feeling I recognize it. Nelion draws his bow before I've even verbalized the threat. I quickly draw a dagger, preparing for a fight.

Orcs had arrived.   

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