Chapter 12

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  • Dedicated to ALL MY FANS

Oh I hate when a story ends......

But I love when one begins WHIPPED will be up Today.


Chapter 12

"Oh my God Hope please don't get dirty" Casey says as she follows little Hope around in her flower girl dress.

"Oh Lucy, couldn't you have waited till my big belly was no more" Judy wined as she saw her baby bump very noticeable under her brides maid dress.

"I'm so happy Little Frank Jr. decided to come before the wedding. Even though it did mean having to get a new brides maid dress." Jean said happily.

"Oh quite your complaining it's not like she could have waited to get married" Sam said exasperated.

There was a unison of gasps.

Mrs. Codey looked at Lucy and tears where brimming in her eyes.

"Oh come on you'll ruin your make up." Lucy told her mother in law .Or she will be in a couple of hours.

"Samantha Codey, you have a big mouth. But since you spilled the beans on me" Lucy turns to all the girls "She's pregnant also."

A chorus of happy squeals erupts. "Oh my God um it seems like the Codey men are freaking fertile " says Judy.

"Yeah, and there all in the dark about being dads again" says Casey. That made everyone turn to look at her.

"No shit you too" Casey nods yes. Then another round of screams go off.

"Oh dear Walker's going to be so happy, just like I am" says Mrs. Codey.

"You three are the best daughter in laws" then she hugs Casey "and daughter I could have ever wished for."

"So when are you telling the boys?"

They all said at the same time "tonight."


"I hate wearing this monkey suite" complained Luis.

"Tell me about it that's why me and Sam eloped" They all laughed.

"I thought it was because you didn't want her to have a chance to find out what a pain in the ass you are" said Mike

"Dad did you hear Mike said a bad word" Leo wined.

"You guys are to funny" said William.

"Hey watch your language around my boy" complained Frank who was holding little Frank JR.

"I still can believe they make little monkey suites in his size?" said Leo.

"Hey he's the ring barer he needed to have a tux just like us" Luis says as he kisses little Frank on the head wishing he had one of his own.


"Tim where's my other sock?" Ben asked.

"I swear you would loose your head if it wasn't attached" laughed Tim.

"Kim aren't you ready yet?" Yelled Tammy from down stairs.

"Oh just cause your ready doesn't mean you have to rush me" complained Kim.

"We have to be there in 40 minutes so hurry up everyone" Yelled Tim.

"Hey Tim did Chance and Luke say they'll make it? Asked Ben.

"They better I know for sure Mary Joe will be there so Chance wont miss an opportunity to see her." Tim replied


I GET OFF ON THE PAIN (Book 1 Ben and Tim's story) (BOYxBOY)Where stories live. Discover now