Chapter 3

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Hope I did good and there is no errors.....Let me know if there is any you find....

Chapter 3


Chase’s POV


On the ride home I asked Judy “So what’s up with that chick Kim?”

Judy rolls her eyes “don’t even get me started, she’s just a major hoe she did Mike, Leo and Luis not to mention half the guys in school.

Man I shouldn’t have let them go with her. But shit there grown men if they can’t keep it in their pants . They can suffer the consequences.




Ben’s POV


I woke up completely naked with my leg and arm wrapped around and spooning an equally naked Luke. Shit I think as I slowly move myself away from Luke.

Where the fu*k is Kim. Man this would have been so freaking awful if it would have been Luke who woke up first and found me spooning him.

I put my underwear back on and went to look for Kim. I slowly creep down the stairs trying hard not to wake Luke. I find her on her kitchen floor with her knees bent up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. Her head was bent back resting on the wall.

There where silent tears falling from her closed eyes. I also notices a box of cookies and an ice cream container at her side.

I look at her and truly see her with her guard down, looking so vulnerable.

“What’s wrong?” I whisper to her.

With her eyes still closed she says “I’m such a dirty girl.”

Well after what we just did. How the hell do you answer that statement.

I sit down beside her and nudge her with my shoulder. “Your not that bad” I tell her. She turns her head my way and opens her eyes.

“You have no idea the things I have done. But I still feel dirty I can’t seem to be able to purify myself.”

What the hell is this chick talking about. “I don’t understand you explain.”

She tells me this horrifying story involving her step dad (read 2 page story of her on my profile).

I hold her in my arms and let her finish crying. “You know it’s not your fault right? What he did was rap you. You where the victim.”

She shakes her head. “Yea I finally went to counseling last year and I can’t believe how naive I was to believe he did what he did to rid me of the devil.” She laughs bitterly “but I still find myself having sex every time I feel that tingling for a girl.”

“It’s wrong you know to like the opposite sex” she says so sure of that statement.

I laugh “you are so wrong some people are just born that way.” I tell her, she needs to get a clue or she is going to just keep screwing up her life. Or just getting screwed what ever the case may be.

She laughs cynically “oh really, so what’s your excuse for hiding? If not for the fact that it’s wrong.” she smirks at me.

“I heard you in the car, but dam if I didn’t think you where talking about me. Then I started to understand when you where kneading my tits.” I was still shocked and horrified. I was silent just looking at her.

“Oh don’t look at me with that deer caught in headlights look. There tits not bread dough” What the hell do you say to that I just Fu*ken laughed.

“So why do you hide if your not ashamed of who you are.” She asked, so I explained to her about Ken.

She put her arm around me. “We make quite the pair. I think you should stop licking your wounds and get back on the proverbial horse.” I shake my head no.

“Well shit I can’t believe I told you all of that. Besides my councilor no one knows” she says smiling at me.

“I know what you mean, I’ve not told another living soul either. Feels good getting it off my chest.” I lightly punch her arm.

“Maybe your not as big a bitch as I thought you were” I say laughing.

She laughs to “Oh believe me I am definitely a bitch. Just not like everyone thinks.”

She smirks at me “since it seems like I’m pouring my soul out to you. I guess I’ll tell you. You see I dated Mike but only twice but no sex. Then I rubbed up on Luis at school but I guess he was with Lucy. I swear I didn’t know or I wouldn’t have tried anything.”

She shakes her head as if to clear it. “Leo was a mistake. Can I be honest with you” she asked.

I shrug “Don’t see why not it’s not like I didn’t spill my guts to you too.”

She blushes profusely. Dam after everything we did now she blushes must be good.

“Well you see it’s like this I started hanging around the Diner for about 3 years now. But it wasn’t the food I was there for”

She looks down at her hands.

I try to think then what did she go there for. Then it hits me.

“Yea it was Judy. You see she was this quiet innocent girl. She reminded me so much of how I was before. She never dated and I was just hoping.” She shrugs “I don’t know actually what I was hoping. I would just fantasies of doing to her what that girl did to me.”

She sighs deeply “then one day Leo comes around. I mean he never came around before. See he had broken up with his girl friend. Any ways I had to get him away from her so I practically threw myself at him.”

She then looks up at me “Then I learned the story about William and them getting married. Now she’s going to have a baby and looks more beautiful, I mean she glows. But I’m so happy for her, she got a happy ending.”

I put may arm around her “hey we deserve happy endings also.”

Wow so did not see that coming.

“I’d like to see you again if you don’t mind” I blush and she laughs.

“oh no so not like that, I just like talking to you and I could be your front so no one suspects.” Hey that’s not a bad Idea then I won’t have to keep doing this with Luke.

“You have a deal, but you have to promise not to have sex any more. Now you have some one to talk to. All your doing beside the bad reputation is continue to hurt yourself mentally. Now you have me and I have you.”

She crawls on my lap and hugs me “Thank you so much.” and kisses my cheek.

We then hear Luke come down the stairs “What your going round 2 without me?”

I laugh “sorry but we have to go home and she chose me so she’s hands of as of now.” I turn to her and see tears in her eye and when she hugs me she whisper “I don’t think I can ever repay you.” I squeeze her. “You know I think we are going to be just fine.”

Luke says “you dog, but I’m happy for you.”

Them we got up finish dressing and she drove us to the ranch.


So did anybody see this coming?





Fan If you want……………..


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