Chapter 11

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Ahhh one more chapter and this story is over………….


Chapter 11


He smirks at me “clumsy as ever I see” he says as he takes in my body from head to toe.

I smile at him ‘holy crap I feel nothing…non of that warm feeling or love I thought I had for him in the past. No hurt from his leaving just nothing.’

I turn to Tim who’s shooting daggers with his look at Ken. I swallow the lump that just formed in my throat. “Tim I’d like you to meet Ken. Ken this is Tim my friend.” I see the hurt pass through Tim’s eyes as I call him a friend. Oh shit, oh shit I think I just fu*d up.

Ken looks at Tim then at me “I talked to your mother and she said you were here.”

He turns to look at me “I needed to see you, I just got back to town today and you were the first person I wanted to see.” He smiles at me and winks. What the fu*k.

“Oh after all these years, now you want to see me” I tried not to sound so hurt.

He shrugs “hey it was to much to fast I had to get away.” he steps closer to me “but now I’m back and I know what I want” he puts his hand on my shoulder and I hear a low growl come from behind.

I can’t believe it. How many times have I dreamt of Ken coming and telling me he was sorry and that he wanted me. Now hear he is saying what I wanted to hear. Ha to late buddy!

“Man you look good, I expected to come back and find that scrawny thin kid who always followed me around and idolized me.”

I start to laugh to the point were tears are streaming down my face.

“What’s so funny” he asked all angry.

I turn to look at Tim and notice he’s not behind me but walking away towards the exit.

“Tim” I yell and he stops but doesn’t turn around.

I run to him and hear Ken running after me yelling at me to come back.

I reach Tim and yank his arm forcing him to face me. “Where the Fu*k do you think your going” it was then that I noticed the tears in his eyes.

“Listen I love you but I also know you’ve loved Ken your whole life. Now he’s come back for you and I don’t want you to feel that you owe me anything. I’m willing to step aside if it will make you happy.”

“Yea I’m back for him. Just leave us alone” Ken says as he puts his arm around my shoulder.”

I turn and push him away from me and step in front of Tim.

“You fool. I do owe you my heart. You healed me and taught me how to love again. You accepted me warts and all. Don’t you know by now it’s you that makes me happy.”

I turn to Ken “you hurt me in the worst way possible. Then left without giving me a second thought. Now you think you can just come back. Did you think I was going to just be here waiting for you to decide I was worthy.”

Shit I know I was doing just that very thing till Tim came along. But hey he doesn’t know it. Plus look at him he’s the one that looks scrawny now not like my super stud Tim. Yes my baby’s super hot. I get a chill just thinking about what he did to me this morning.

“What! you can’t just forget about us and go to this guy.” Ken says all outraged.

I laugh “Us there is no us. There never was an us.”

I GET OFF ON THE PAIN (Book 1 Ben and Tim's story) (BOYxBOY)Where stories live. Discover now