Chapter 4

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Well my peeps this one is going to be short went out today and I think my kid broke my thumb. It’s hurting like hell. Hope it’s just bruised if it still hurts in the morning guess I’ll have to go to the hospital…..wish me luck….


Chapter 4


I dropped the guys off and Luke and Ben got out. Ben walked over to my side opened the door then pulled me out. He backed me against the car and buried his head in my hair and whispered “no sex got it.”

“I, uh ok” I managed to say. Then Luke yanks him away “come on tiger, time to go.”

He then turns to me “Well I would say thank you but um” he turns to Ben “it kind of seems inappropriate now so see you.” I smile as they head to their place.

On the drive home I was thinking of everything I told Ben. He is such a nice guy. I just need to find him someone. I automatically start thinking about Tim.

I meet Tim about 2 days after my stepfather left. I was in the mall feeling sorry for myself and he approached me. I was thinking great hear comes another asshole wanting in my pants.

Boy was I wrong. He approached and said “cute shoes” I was unsure about what he wanted. He asked if he could sit with me so I said “no.”

“Listen let me start by introducing myself names Tim McCook. I just moved here 2 months ago with my little sister. We got a farm next town over. I know what your thinking this guy thinks I’m hot and wants me.”

He smirks at me “I do think your hot. But girl I play for the other team all I’m looking for is a friend nothing else. I wouldn’t mind if you set me up with a hot cowboy though.”

I started to laugh and felt all the tension leave my body. “Sorry but you’re the first person I know who plays for the other team. But if I ever meet anyone else your first on the list for a set up.”

We have been friends ever since. We go to the movies some times and to eat. I really like him. But I have never opened up to him and told him my story.

“Yea Tim would be perfect for Ben” I say out loud. Shit he even bull rides this is so perfect.



Luke’s POV


What a night. I’m happy for Ben but there’s a part of me that hates the fact she picked him and not me. Not that I would ever want anything serious with her but. Hell it stings to be passed over.

We walk in the door and face a very pissed off Chase. “What the hell. What time is this to be coming home.”

I glare at him “last I seen we left the old man back in Austin.”

That seemed to cool him off “we where out having fun what’s the big deal” I shrug.

“I just don’t like that chick that’s all.”

“Well if it makes you happy I’m never going to see her in a sexual way ever” I smile at him.

Chase lets out a sigh and seems to visibly relax so I smile at him again “she’s his girl now , so she’s off limits to us” I say pointing at Ben.

Chase’s jaw drops “Oh no Judy and the girls aren’t going to be happy.”

Ben’s jaw went tight and I could see the vein throb on his temple. “Listen since when do I care what anyone thinks.”

“Um well Judy was telling me about how Kim did Mike, Luis and Leo and probably half the male student body.”

Ben glares at Chase “for your information, she never slept with Mike or Luis. She did sleep with Leo but he was single”

Man I missed a lot while I slept.

“End of conversation I’m going to take a bath and go to sleep. We have an early morning” then he stomped away.

I smirk at Chase “yea what he said and I head for the showers also.”


Ben’s POV

I woke up surprisingly feeling good in the morning so I went next door to wake the guys up. I walked in and noticed that Luke had dropped his pillow during the night.

I picked it up and swung it hitting him in the head “rise and shine sleeping beauty.”

I then walked over to chase and did the same thing.

We made it outside at 5:30am and Buck was waiting along with William. “You guys ready today we are going to start with the mechanical bull and end on one of my smaller practice bulls.”

This is going to be so cool . I love getting on the mechanical bull at their dads bar. Luke went first then Chase and I was last. Buck went over basics on how to sit on the bull, tie your rope and if we where more comfortable with the American rope or the Brazilian rope.

My head was spinning with all this information. Then it was time to get on a real bull and shit I was first. Oh my God that thing is hug. I can’t get on that I thought.

I felt my palms get sweaty. My heart was pumping double time I approached the shuts and William said “this here is Bushwhacker.”

I looked at the enormous beast. Would it look to cowardly if I fainted.

Why the hell did I agree to this. Oh man, Oh man I thought as I sat on the bull and tied the rope William had secured under the bull. “You can do this Ben just remember what Buck said.”

What the hell I didn’t remember anything Buck said at the moment. Then the shut opened and the bull bucked out. It was the single most exhilarating thing of my hole life. Adrenalin was pumping threw my veins and it all seemed to go in slow motion. I squeezed with my thigh muscles as hard as I could trying to stay on as the bull bucked and turned.

Then I felt my self go side ways and managed to land on my ass. Shit this was fun. I shot up on my feet running to the edge of the coral and away from the bull.

“Yea, good job” yelled Luke and Chase.

Buck walked over to me “God job my boy” he says as he smacks my back. “You can see your friends ride or you can go soak those sore muscles.”

“I think I’ll go soak if you don’t mind.” He laughs.

“By the way we have a new guy. Names Tim McCook, he’s going to be bunking with you. He arrived half an hour ago.” I node my head and head for the bunkers.

I was sore as hell I barely made it to the bunk house. I walked in my room and saw the stuff on the other bed. I started taking my cloths off and wrapped a towel around my hips when this. Sex pot of a guy walked in and Oh shit I think I drooled.


Sorry if it’s short…

But to make up for it see  side bar for a picture of TIM. Now you know what Ben laid eyes on that made him drool. ( I type as I wipe my mouth)




I GET OFF ON THE PAIN (Book 1 Ben and Tim's story) (BOYxBOY)Where stories live. Discover now