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I shut the door behind me and lock it, so a drunk doesn't come wandering in. Once in my room, I pull of my clothes grab a towel, and wrap it around me. I walk out of my room and knock on my sisters door. "Don't open the door for anyone, even Gwen and Daren. You don't know what kind of mood they will be in." She nods her head and goes back to building her palace out of Legos. I step into the bathroom and close the door behind me but not locking it incase Ally needs something. I take off my makeup and stare at myself. Slightly closing my eyes and shaking my head I step in the steaming shower.

I take a nice long shower and my thoughts run wild. I've finally graduated, my parents would be proud. They... They would be. If they were still around. I don't want to ruin my own mood, so I try and push back tears and search for something better to think about. Well there's Graycen for one thing. He's so kind, and the way he treats Ally is amazing. He knows how much she means to me. They are all I really have left. I ride my hair and turn off the water. Wrapping myself in my towel I rush back to my room and change into a pair of black leggings, and an oversized white t-shirt and a pair of sock.(undergarments too) It's about 7:30pm now and as usual Gwen and Daren aren't home yet. "ABBY WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR DINNER?" I yell hoping she can hear me. With no response I go into her room and slowly open her door. The lights are off and she is in bed but she's still got her shoes on and hair up. I open the window a bit so she can have some fresh air. I walk to her side and take her shoes, and socks off. I put her shoes in her closet and socks in the laundry bin. I take her hair out of the pony tail and lift her blanket up to her shoulders. I miss her forehead and whisper goodnight.

I walk out of her room leaving the door open if she needs to call for me. I grab my phone and play some Linkin Park, I go to the kitchen to find something to eat. I end up making a bagel and cream cheese. Listening to my music, I eat my bagel in the kitchen. I hear a car pull into the driveway and I check the window. "Their home ugh" I put away the dishes and quickly put my hair up in a bun. A loud knock appears on the door and I rush to unlock the door. "WHY!? Why was the door locked?" "I was busy, I forgot to unlock it. I apol-" "SHUT UP! Your an dumb little girl, you can't even handle 2hours without and adult around! You useless slut!" "I'm sorry, you've been gone for 4 hours... Please quite down, Abby is sleeping." Daren looks at me sternly "WHY THE HELL IS THAT BRAT ASLEEP ALREADY? Why can't you do anything right?!" He stumbles towards the stairs and I rush to block his path. He grabs my neck and slams me against the wall. "Get the fuck out of my way!" He throws me aside and Gwen slaps my and I feel her long nails pierce my skin. I push her of my and run in front of Daren. I kick his knee out and he falls down the stair giving me some time. I grab my shoes and run into Abby's room locking the door behind me. "Abby get up! We need to go right now! I hand her, her shoes and I put on my converse. I grab my panic bag from under her bed and put it over my shoulders. I hit speed dial and call Grey. "OPEN THE DOOR YOU BITCH, YOU CANT DO THIS TO THE PEOPLE WHO GAVE YOU A HOME!!" "that's where your wrong." "WE ARE YOUR PARENTS AND YOU OPEN THAT DOOR RIGHT NOW!" "YOU WILL NEVER BE MY PARENTS!" I climb out the window and down the grates on the side of the house, carrying Abby on my left side. "CASSIE ARE YOU ALRIGHT? What's happening?" I drop to the ground and place Abby down. She looks terrified, "Grey can you meet us in town? We need a ride." "Yeah I'll be there in five minutes." I hang up and tell Abby to walk ahead of me. I run to the front door and break the key in the lock. That should buy us more time. I run up to Abby and we walk into town. I notice she is frequently looking behind her like something is following us. We reach town and I sit on the bench and we wait for Grey. Just as promised he arrives in about 5 minutes. I put Abby in the back along with the panic bag. I sit in the front seat and he looks at me with a concerted stare. "Are you two okay? You bleeding Cassie, what happened?" I blink back tears because the pain is setting in. "We are fine, they never got to her. Can we go back to your place? Abby needs rest." He nods and starts driving down the road.

We pull into his driveway and his mother steps outside to greet us. "Hello Cassie how are you?" She sees my scratches on my face and squeals. "Get you butt inside, the wound needs to be cleaned. Honey you get Abby inside, put her in the spare room please." Graycen nods and grabs Abby and carries her inside. I walk in right after them and Greycen's mom gives me a long hug and sighing. She shits the door behind me and leads my to the bathroom. She had me sit on the counter and she cleans the cut, it stings but manageable.

I sit on the couch after Abby and Greys mother went to bed. He comes walking down the stairs with messy hair and shirtless. I stared a little longer then I intended to but he didn't seem to mind. He sat next to me on the couch and gave me a hug. "Are you sure your okay? Tell me what happened." I take deep breath and explain everything that happened. He sighs and shakes his head. He quickly stands and marches to the kitchen. He slams his fist on the counter and is radiating with anger and guilt. I walk to his side and lightly rub his back. "What's wrong?" He looks me in the eyes and I see his eyes soften. "I can't believe they did that. They know what you've been through yet they still... Do shit like this." He lightly holds my cheek and pulls me into a long hug. "I know you don't deserve that. You didn't deserve anything that happened." I nod into his chest and pull away. "Thank you" he offers me a snack but I decline saying I already ate. "I think I'm going to get some rest if you don't mind" he nods and smiles "of course, my room is for your use, I'll stay on the couch." I shake my head "don't be ridiculous, I'll take the couch." I walk over and lay down on the couch pulling a blanket over me as I go. "Your a guest though, you don't need to stay on the couch." "Well to bad I'm staying right here." He nods "fine, then so am I." We walks over to me and lifts me head slightly. He sits and puts his feet up and the coffee table. I rest my head on his lap and smile. "Thank you for this." He smiles and brushes the hair out of my face. "Anytime." After a little while of watching TV, I drift into a peaceful sleep, in the arms of the person I trust most.

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