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Frozen in place. I break out into smile, I totally forgot! I'm officially 19!

I shut the door behind me and Abby is the first one to give me a big hug. I swoop down and pick her up setting her on my left hip. Going around giving my friends and family quick hugs I see a lot of family I haven't seen in a while. My aunt pinches my cheek and I can tell it left a mark. My mom gives me a long hug. "I'm so proud of you hon, your father is proud too. Even though you can't see him. Remember he still loves you." I nod and hand Abby to my mother.

I go into he living room and see Cassie sitting on the floor with my cousin Alex. He's like what, 15 now? He's showing her lots of his football pictures and I steal his phone when I get close enough too. "Hey bud." He jumps up and grabs his phone from my hand. "Hey, happy birthday man" I nod "thanks" he grabs my arm and pulls me aside for a quick second. "Your girls hot." My eyes widen and I give him a light smack on the back of his head "watch it little man, just cause you play football doesn't mean I can't squash you like a bug." "dude your afraid of spiders" "shut up! You know what I mean" he nods and walks away patting me on the back.

An Angels giggle forces me to turn around.  "Your afraid of spiders? Hm... I never noticed." I shake my head "he's such a brat, but your in more trouble then him. Was it necessary to give me a heart attack for this" she smiles and nods. "I'm a fighter, nothing would happen to me anyway. There is no need to worry about me. Come on, let's go enjoy your party!" She rushes up to me and holds my hand. Intertwining our fingers we walk into the crowded kitchen together ready to greet the mass.

Eventually after a few hours of conversation and catching up with some old school friends people started to dwindle away. Leaving me, my mom, Abby, and Cassie left to clean up the mess. I check my watch and it's about 7:30. "Y'all caused this, I shouldn't have to clean up." Cassie smacks my arm. "Don't act three, help your mom and I clean up." I stand up and salute her. "Sir yes sir!" I march to the table and start picking up plates. I can feel her staring at me but I try and keep a serious face.

My mom seconds later walks into the kitchen with Abby attached to her arm and looks at us with surprise. "What are you still doing here!? Your going to be late for the movie! Go on, get out of here! Abby and I will take care of this okay? Go on" I nod putting the table cloth back. I grab my wallet and car keys and give my mom a hug and a peck on the cheek. "Thanks mom, be back soon!" Cassie yells goodbye as I rush her out the door.

Halfway to the theater I ask Cas what we are going to see from the passenger seat. "The tortured" I grin in my seat. She hates horror movies, but I love them. This is good for me.... She'll probably get scared 10 minutes in and want a hug. Which is fine by me.

Cassie's P.O.V.

The drive to the theater was a blast within itself. We jam to Linkin Park on high, and only stop talking when I park the car. "Okay let's go." I made sure to bring my wallet, there is no way he's paying for this on his birthday. He doesn't need to, I've got it. Walking into the seemingly empty theater I have him get the tickets his mom payed for while I get the snacks. I get a large buttered popcorn, and a pack of skittles. Skittles are his favorite candy, and each of us a medium root beer. I slid the cashier the 50 dollar bill and wait for my change. I turn around and see no sight of Grey. I take the change and place it carefully back into my wallet before grabbing the snacks. A few seconds later grey grabs the popcorn and one drink out of my hand. "Did you pay?" I nod "ugh next time leave it to me." "I like paying, I'm an independent person" he nods. "I know, but so am I." Into the dark theater we go.

Taking the middle seats to get the perfect view. The trailers begin to role and we get settled into our seats. "Please place your phones on silent for the duration of the film. Thank you, enjoy the show" and the lights dim. Here we go.

The screen flashes a bright white and blood splatters across the white surface causing me to jump into Grey. "Sorry" I whisper to him. "It's fine." He lifts the arm rest separating us and wraps his arm around my shoulders. Not once did I jump after that. Like he was a shield from any terror to be seen.

The lights slowly start to brighten as the few people behind us start to clap. I turn and quickly scan them. They are quite large men, all in suits. That's strange for theater attire. "Grey, I think we should go." He looks behind and nods. He lightly moves me forward and out the doors of the theater. It's dark out by now and I hand Grey the keys to his car. Hand in hand we walk towards it. Then all of a sudden his hand is gone and replaced by a larger hand around my neck. "H-ellp! Gre-y!" I try and pry the mans hands off my neck but no use. He's far to strong. I lift my leg back and hit him where the sun doesn't shine. "Oomph" I fall forward onto my knees and take a deep breath. I look around for grey and find him almost unconscious a few feet away. I rush to him.

" hey Graycen! Listen to me, can you hear me?!" I put my hand on his face and move it to the side, he has a huge cut on the side of his neck and he's bleeding a lot. I take of my flannel and use it to absorb blood as I put pressure on the wound. I shriek when I feel myself being lifted of the ground by a set of strong hands. "Help! No, STOP! What did we do? Tell us what you want and well do it please leave us alone!" Whoever he is slaps me and covers my mouth with his hand. I bite his finger and yell for help. I see Grey slightly move before my vision goes blurry.

Greycen's P.O.V.

My vision starts to come back and I see Cassie being carried away. "Cassie!" I try and stand but I get light headed and collapse when I once lay. My neck stings and I don't remember what happened to me. I'm losing blood I can tell. My vision and hearing is fading. The last thing I remember is Cassie's voice. "I'm a fighter, nothing would happen to me anyway. No need to worry about me," but baby i really hope your right. Please fight, I'll get to you. I promise

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