Entry 13: The Jammie Diaraies

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Lacey's POV: Once inside H&M I find myself seven shirts, two shorts, three pairs of leggings, accessories, and some home stuff like blankets and pillows.

Trevor is more relaxed and grabs himself a few things as well, once he pays he asks if I'm hungry I nod and my stomach lets out a gurgle. We laugh and head to the food court, once their Trevor is met by a mob of screaming girls.

I ask for his stuff and his wallet then walk away ,the girls eyes never leave me until I'm safely in line at Starbucks. While I'm ordering myself a Venti Frappuccino with whipped cream, Trevor is getting attacked by the mob of  girls.  I pay with his card and then set our stuff down waiting for my drink.

Then 3 big macho security guys break up the girls into three groups while ten  police officers equally help the groups of girls and Trevor.

I grab my drink and meet Trevor and a police officer half way.
" There you go mam your boyfriend is safe now, next time don't leave the house without a body guard ok"? The officer says then walks away. Me
and Trevor look at each other blushing, I can't believe he thought we were a couple. We sit down with our stuff until the gaggle of girls is gone.

Last stop Sephora.

When we arrive I see soo much stuff I want, but I only grab what I need. Which consists of three bottles of
Tarte water foundation in the shade Honey, two Urban Decay Black Eyeliner pencils, three bottles of Too Faceds setting spray, Violet Voss HG palette, Anastasia Bev. Soft glam palette, and a ton of samples that get me everytime at checkout.  Trevor pays yet again and gets himself a little something as well. Sauvage by Dior.

"So did u really need all of this stuff "? Trevor asks. This is the first thing that was said between us since the police officer thought we were boyfriend and girlfriend.

" Well yes and no but hey I mean your buying sooo.." I say awkwardly.

Trevor is handsome- 6ft, blonde, tan skin, bulging muscles and stunning green eyes. VS me- Short, Long Black hair, honey skin, with warm brown eyes, with a bikini body to go with it.

We hop in his Bulgati and he takes me back to Jens Because that's where I'm supposed to be , but before he lets me out he asks if I'm serious with Jamie I pause and think. Then I nod , and a look of sadness washes over his face, but he waves and drives off.

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