den nd fil r havin netflix & chil. den turn on spengebob porn.
"GO PETRICK GO!" showt spengebeb off tv az petrick penetrate hiz spenge holez.
"MMM MMM" screm petrick as he let out white lickuid in spengebeb.
fil look away. he do not like waching this but he not want 2 ruin dens hard willy.
moan r geting lowder nd lowder.
"den plez stap this.." fil wine.
"lolzor ok" den sai and he stand up and throw tv out window.
"now let order piza," den laff.
"wat toping." sai fil.
"um cheeze nd ham obvi" den sai.
"no" sai fil. "u kno i do not liek chez denyul y"
"o wel i stil order chez lol" sai den pick up fone.
"o no u dont" showt fil nd hiz willy explode thru pant and wack fone out of den hand.
"no chez ok or we no hav piza." say fil kwietly.
den order no chez nd hem piza.
wen piza cum 2 house den go 2 kichen wiv it 2 cut it.
he luk @ piza.
"much plain. very boring." he wisper to piza. ge kwickly get willy out nd cum all over piza making it look moist n cremy.
"dat better." he say.
he serve 2 fil.
"um wat iz this liquid" azk fil point @ white cum on piza bass.
"o it just mayonoaise lolz eat it" laff den den
"this noice" say fil az he eat piza.
den stick piza up bumhole.
"v nice indeed" he agre.
dan vs phil ↠ phan
Fanfictiondan vs phil lol who will win warning; much sexy content oioi cheeky cheeky read if u dare lolzor