Surprise Suprise.

16 1 0

After that conversation we were packed up and adopted to the couple quickly. My brothers and I are now officially family. I'm alone outside staring up at the sky from the back of the house. I have yet to meet Tyler. Their house was huge! Behind the house was a big patch of forest that I got excited over for some reason. I sit on a stump and twirl a piece of my hair around my finger watching the sunset. My 17 birthday is soon and I'm excited for it. I'm confused though because the faster the day approaches the more I notice that my sight, hearing, smell, speed, Etc. are getting better. Oh well I'm not complaining for now. I hear a twig snap and I smile thinking it's one of the boys coming to join me. I jump up when I notice it's not their voices. I start walking towered the house quickly but stop quickly when I hear a voice "Hey! Girl!" I look down at the ground quickly and play with a strand of my hair. I turn slowly and look up. There were 2 boys in front and 1 lagging behind. The boys in front gasp their eyes wide. "holy crap! What a babe!" I look at the boy quickly and flinch. He was tall and had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. The other had red hair and forest green eyes. the guy in the back had black hair and piercing green eyes. He wasn't looking at me though he looked like he was sniffing the air and looking around the forest. "John." the guy with red hair mutters. "you have to admit it Luke! She's a doll!" John states with excitement. I back up quickly "What's your name baby doll?" John asks stepping forward. My eyes widen and the back porch door opens. I look back to see a furious Logan walking towards me. "Back up." Logan warns his face set into a hard mask. "who the hell are you?" Luke asks. I notice all the boys got tense as soon as he walked out. John steps closer and pulls me behind him. I screech and try o tug away as tears fill my eyes. Logan tenses up and steps forward threateningly "you have 2 seconds to let her go before I rip you to pieces." John snorts and tightens his grip on me "yah right dood we know the deal. We know what you are." I glare at John and step around him but he pulls me to his chest "let her go!" Logan booms. "she your mate? Why you so defensive?" Luke asks. "you don't need to be. I mean your just a piece of trash anyway." My blood boils in anger. Nobody and I mean nobody bullies my brothers! I turn quickly and punch John in the cheek and then knee him where the sun don't shine. He grunts and let's me go and Logan quickly grabs me and pulls me to him. "Calm down princess.." Logan mutters. I breath heavily and close my eyes. "holy shiz! I think she broke my manhood!" John cries out clutching his manhood and rolling on the ground. I look up to see Luke and the other boy staring at me in shock. "okay I know you said to wait while you got sh- holy shh...shoot." Parker mutters coming to stand by our side "theirs another one!" John and Luke growl. I mean actually growl! Like a dog! Luke turns and looks at the last boy "Tyler!" oh well heck that's Tyler... "Mom! You said you were getting one! And that it was gonna be a girl!" Tyler yells. "you should also tell the future Alph-" "shut up!" Parker and Logan hiss. All 3 boys growl at them and I get a flash of a memory or something. I was in the woods under a bush watching with wide eyes as a bloody fight went down between wolves. My face scrunches up in confusion "What's an Alph?"

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