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Logan turned back into himself in my closet and put his clothes on and sat on the foot of my bed. "w-why? Why can't I remember? Why can't I shift and why are you telling me now?" I ask quietly. Logan sighs and runs a hand through his hair "Well..Park and I kinda thought that you wouldn't shift but still get some Wolf traits. Since you're so much like your mother.." Logan smiles sadly "You don't shift until you're 17. Which is tomorrow...You're not sick...It's the symptoms before you shift. Haven't you noticed things lately? Like your sight, hearing, and smell getting better? It's all the qualities of wolves. You can't remember because you were so young then. I'm sorry I'm just now telling you Shy." Logan finishes. "Why is Parker out there?" I ask. "well...let's just say Parker is on look out well more like hear out.." Logan chuckles "That's a lame joke Lo and you know." I whisper with a small smile. "So why is he out there? Doing look out?" I ask. "My jokes aren't lame Missy." Logan points a finger at me and makes a tsk sound. "He's out there because surprise surprise - our new family is made up of wolves. They think your human though so that's semi-good. You're an Alpha Shy, don't forget that. You don't back down. It's why your so stubborn." Logan chuckles and flicks my nose. I scowl at him and push his hands away. "So I'm not sick? Then why do I feel icky?" I ask. Logan laughs at my choice of words "Because you are. Good thing for you - you don't get the pain because you're a hybrid. Lucky you - I'm glad you don't get the pain though." he ruffles my hair and I smack his hand away and fix my hair. "what do you mean pain?" I ask slowly. "When you shi-" Logan gets cut off when we hear a loud bang on my door. "Unwanted visitors.." Logan mutters and pushes me to lay down gently. I lay down and bring the covers to my chin as Parker comes inside and closes the door quietly. He comes over to my side and sits on the bed "glad you're with us baby girl." Parker winks. I smile slightly and shake my head. My door opens and Mr.Rob and Tyler come in. Tyler frowns at Parker and Logan. "Why are you in here?" "Tyler." Mr.Rob warns. Tyler sighs and leans against the wall eyeing Logan and Parker. "How are you feeling Shy?" Mr.Rob asks. I look over at Tyler then back to Logan and Parker frowning. "Same no headache though." Parker answers. I smile at him and look back over at Mr. Rob. He was nodding to himself and scratching his chin "Well that's good...I still say lots of bed rest. Have a good night Shy don't stay up to late now." with that Mr.Rob leaves giving Tyler a warning glance. Tyler glares at the boys one last time and says "I know what you are." before stalking out of the room. "okay.." I mumble laying back and closing my eyes. "Don't go to sleep princess you need to eat." Logan says pulling me up. I groan and cross my arms "I don't wanna.." "To bad you need your strength tomorrow or you'll black out. You're really gonna need it." I sigh and reach over picking up the tray then proceed to eat it. "good girl." Parker teases. I shake my head and throw a pillow at his head. Once I finish I set the tray on the nightstand and lay back down. "Now I'm going to sleep.." I mumble. "Want us to stay?" Logan asks. I nod and close my eyes as they slip in the bed beside me. "Night princess." Logan and Parker say in unison. "Night.." I whisper slipping into darkness.


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