New School Day and I Haven't Even Learned the Ropes

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When I woke up I was horrified. I now understand why they take their clothes off. My eyes widen and I quietly slip out of Tyler's grip and run into my closet closing the door. I sigh in relief and slip on some light ripped skinny jeans, light brown combat boots, a white crop top with a black wife beater underneath. I shake my head and run my fingers through my hair. I catch the color and I grab a big strand my eyes wide. It wasn't frizzy! How the heck... I shake my head and sigh opening the door and peaking my head out. Tyler was still in my room but he wasn't sleeping he was looking around confused and muttering to himself. I bite my lip and look away my cheeks heating up. "Ty...maybe you should go change..." I whisper. I hear Tyler chuckle and then feel a hand on my waist. I jump and look up at him. "You're so cute." he coo's pinching my flaming cheeks lightly. I smack his hands away and stick my tongue out. "It's not funny. You knew it would happen." I mutter. "Yeah but I didn't think I would fall asleep cutie." He says. I place a hand on my hip and point to the door "Go. We have school don't we?" his eyes widen and he runs out of the room screaming to himself. I giggle and go in the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I look in the mirror and cock my head to the side. Everything looks clearer in my eyes. More defined. All my senses are more defined. I look at my eyes in the mirror and notice the gold looks more vibrant. I shake my head and lift the shirt from the side that got injured and frowned at the scar. My eyes widen and I turn my back to the mirror and look at my back in the mirror. I sigh in relief as I see nothing there. "We heal abnormally fast. You shouldn't scar unless it's pretty deep but other then that." my head snaps up and I push my shirt down. "Hey Lo." I smile and walk over to him wrapping my arms around him tightly. He chuckles and rubs my back gently "Hey princess ready for school?" he asks. I grimace but nod and he chuckles again "Don't worry Shy. You're gonna be fine." Logan squeezes my arms gently and grabs my hand dragging me out of the bathroom. He picks up two bags and hands me a black side bag. I grab the bag and duck under the strap. Parker walks in and glances at my outfit then looks at Logan in disbelief. Logan's face scrunches up in confusion and he assesses my outfit. He frowns and shakes his head. "Go change your top Shy." I frown and cross my arms shaking my head stubbornly. "At least wear my jacket." Parker suggests holding out his black leather jacket. I grin and take his jacket "Thanks." logan shakes his head and eyes my outfit in distaste. I stick my tongue out at him and slip my bag off then slip the jacket on. It was a bit big but I didn't mind. "Stop it Lo." I shake my head and laugh slipping my bag back on. Logan just frowns and crosses his arms. I stick my tongue out and jump on Parker's back "Onward my trusty stead. Let's go mr. Pouty." Logan shakes his head and leaves the room hitching his bag on his shoulder. I kick Parker's thigh and he scowls at me then grins. I frown at him "What's that look?" I ask cautiously. Parker takes off running down the stairs and I shriek clinging onto him "Parker!" Parker just laughs and hops off the last step dropping me on the ground. I groan and glare at him "Parker! What the heck?!" I stand up and rub my backside. He shrugs and chuckles "I'm not your horse or personal slave." I growl at him and grab his arm flipping him over and onto his back. He groans and rolls onto his side rubbing his back "Shy! Why did you have to do that baby girl!?" I just huff and cross my arms stepping over him and looking up. What I see surprises me but I don't care. Luke, John, and Tyler all looked shocked. Their eyes were wide and their jaws were dropped. Logan looked amused and walked over to me kissing me on top of the head and chuckling as he helps Parker up. Parker glares at me and tugs on my hair and a growl slips past my lips. "Knock it off Park. She just changed don't tick 'er off." Logan mutters and slaps the back of Parker's head. I smirk as Parker huffs and storms off outside. "Don't be mad Park! You can be a sissy later!" Logan laughs and runs after him. I giggle and turn back to the 3 flabbergasted boys. "Hot momma! You ain't just fine you can fight!" John smirks an winks at me. I scowl at him and Tyler whirls around growling at him and punching him in the arm. Johns smirk drops and he looks down. "Ty.." I whisper. Tyler turns back to me quickly his eyes lighting up like a child on christmas morning and smiling. "Be nice." I say sternly and place my hands on my hips. His smile drops and he looks down "Yes Shy.." "Whipped." Luke coughs. My head whips over to him and I glare he cowers and I grin skipping outside. These boys are to easy to scare.

-At school-

As soon as we stepped out of the car I tried getting back in but Logan had threw me over his shoulder. I kept shouting profanities and pounding on his back but he just laughed at me. "Hey baby girl the more you do that the more attention you get." Parker say in an amused tone. I instantly stop moving and lift my head and glare at him and the 3 laughing idiots behind him. The laughing stopped and they looked down but Parker looked me straight in the eye and started grinning. "I am on Logan's shoulder. That's what's causing attention!" I shout and reach out to punch him but he dodges. I scream in frustration and kick my legs but it collides with Logan. Logan stops instantly and groans dropping to his knees. Parker bursts out laughing and I glance at him confused. "Okay princess...You're getting down now." Logan grunts and sets me down. I cock my head to the side and kneel in front of him "You okay?" I ask. He nods quickly and stands up his cheeks light pink. I shrug and stand up "Alright whatever you say. Just...Never mind can we get going now?" Parker and Logan nod placing a hand on my shoulder. "You guys don't even know where your going." I hear Ty say behind us. I look back at him then back at my brothers and grin "stupids." I mutter. They scowl at me and cross their arms. I turn back to Ty and shake my head "Where is the stupid office then?" I ask with complete and utter boredom in my tone. Ty smirks and grabs my shoulders turning me around and pushing me forward. "Hey! Hands off!" I growl. Logan puts a hand over my mouth and gives me a warning look before looking around. "Baby girl be careful. You can't go wolf here. This isn't just a wolf school. Humans go here." Parker whispers. I frown and lick Logan's hand he jerks it away and scowls at me rubbing his hand on his jeans. "Don't put your nasty hand over my mouth and I won't do that." I mutter. Parker gives me a horrified expression and steps back. I giggle and shake my head "I'm not going to lick you Park. I only did that because he put his hand over my mouth." Logan grabs my arm and licks my hand smirking "Payback!" He screams running off. My nose scrunches up in disgust and I wipe my hand on my jeans furiously "Logan!" I shriek. Logan just laughs and runs into the school as Parker wraps an arm around my shoulder and turns me around "Jesus princess you guys make me look like the mature one." I stomp my foot and cross my arms pouting. "Naw don't be all pouty baby girl." Parker coo's and pinches my cheeks. I scowl at him and swat his hands away "Knock it off." Parker chuckles and throws an arm over my shoulder steering me inside. "You do know where your going ... Don't you?" I ask. Parker looks down at me and grins nodding slowly. I sigh and shake my head turning to look at Tyler. When I turn around I frown - he isn't there... "Where'd Ty go?" I ask and look up at Parker. Parker shrugs and scowls at the empty space "Don't know don't care." he turns back into a room and pulls me in closing the doors. "Good morning! I'm mrs. White!" Mrs. White chirps. I look around and spot Logan slumped in a chair. I smile and run over to him plopping down onto his lap. He gives me a confused look as I hug him around his neck. "Young lady no public display of affection on school grounds." mrs. White says sternly. My face scrunches up in disgust "He's my brother!" I shriek. Mrs. White's face turns shocked and she mutter "Oh..I'm sorry hunny. You 3 must be our new students. I have your schedules right here." she smiles proudly and pats a stack of papers next to her. "You should have one of your brothers in each of your classes." She hands us each a stack of papers. Schedule, map, and a locker combo. I smile and stand up from Logan "Thanks Mrs. White!" I say. I grab my brothers arms and pull them out of the office. "Jesus Shy, your moods are just flipping switches." Parker mutters. Logan scowls at him and smacks him as I shake my head and turn to look at them both. "I wanna know what classes we have." I murmur looking down at my schedule. "Biology, History, and English. We all have those 3 together. Those are our first 3 classes." Logan states looking at all of our schedules. "cool...but where are they?" I ask slowly. Parker and Logan look at each other and shrug. "great.." I mutter. "I know where they are." someone says looking over my shoulder. I shriek and spin around my eyes wide smacking them on the face. John looked shocked a held his cheek and Luke was laughing behind him "You go girl!" luke howls in laughter. "Get away from my mate John or I will move you myself." Tyler mutters walking up to us. "She hit me!" John sputters. "You deserved it." Parker and Logan mutter. "I just want to get to class." I groan and turn on my heel snatching my paper from Logan and turning to Ty "Can you show us please?" i ask. Tyler glances at my schedule then to my brothers before looking at me with a grin and nodding. "come new students. It is time to show you this hell hole they like to call school." Tyler throws an arm over my shoulder and leads us down a hallway. Today's gonna be fun..note sarcasm.


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