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I walked into class sitting down in my seat waiting for class to start, Ms. Brooke's my Science teacher walked into the class, addressing the class to look up at the front. She began talking about dissecting a frog which seems really cool, you get to see the insides and poke at them.

We had to do this with partners, I looked around the class and saw that everyone had partners, everyone except me and some kid I think his name is Justin he has jet black hair, a lip piercing, his ears are stretched, and has stunning green eyes. He didn't have a partner, so I walked up to him and sat down.

"Wanna be partners?" I asked shyly.

He looked at me coldly, what's his issue? His face softened and his lips turned into a smile.

"Uh, yeah sure," he answered kindly.

"Sweet," I smiled.

"Ew what the fuck is that?!" I gagged.

Justin held up what looks to be the cloaca in the tiny ass tongs. He chucked waving it in my face, I gagged so much to the point I felt sick.

"Seriously Just fuck off," I laughed whilst gagging.

"Okay okay," Justin laughed.

He put it down and wrote down the part it was.

Class ended and it was lunch, I packed up my things and headed out the door when Justin called my name. I turned around and smiled at him, moving out of the way of everyone exiting.

"Hey Cheyenne?" Justin asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah?" I said softly.

"Sorry for being rude earlier, I'm just not used to people being nice to me because well, because I look like me," Justin chuckled nervously.

"It's fine, I get it people can be rude and judge based on others looks, don't sweat it," I told him.

"Ok, thanks I thought you'd be mad, and I wouldn't want that, you seem pretty rad," Justin breathed out.

I blushed slightly hiding it behind my fringe.

"Thanks, you're not too bad yourself,"

Justin smiled showing his pearly whites. We walked out of the class and we parted, I had to go to my locker. I put my books away and grabbed my wallet. I left the school and went to Starbucks. I ordered and sat down at a table, I scrolled through my feed not seeing anything interesting. I got up and waked back to the school making it just in time for the bell.

School ended and I began walking home, I looked down at my phone for a sec and bumped into someone.

"Oh god I'm so sorry," I rushed.

I looked up and saw that I bumped into Justin. He smiled down at me due to the fact that I'm a midget and he's fucking tall.

"It's okay," he chuckled.

I smiled and we started walking together, we were at Justin's house and I asked him for his number so we could text and stuff, we said out goodbyes and I walked off.

As I walked I noticed a groups of guys, they looked about my age. 6 guys chatting amongst themselves I didn't want to stare but I noticed a bit about all of them.

The tallest one looked like a giant, he had a side of his head long black hair to his shoulders with the other side shaved, showing off his gauges and he had awesomely drawn on eyebrows.

There was a more feminine one, he wore a tight black shirt the shoulders were off exposing his bare shoulder, his hair was black and looked to be pinned up, he wore a lot of make up and again his eyebrows were amazingly drawn on.

One had brown long hair, he had black make up around his eyes, he was average size.

Another had long black hair, he had black make up around his eyes and he was growing a beard it looked like.

There was one with stretched ears about 1 1/2". He has angel bites and long brown hair that looked dead.

Lastly this guy has long black hair, spider bites, black make up around his eyes, he was short, shorter then the rest but still looked as if he would be taller then me. He was cute.

All of them were cute, but the shorter one was cuter.

I wonder who they are. I glanced at them as I walked by and I could feel their eyes on me, I don't know why they'd be looking at me but they were. I shrugged It off and continued walking home.

I got home and shouted to my mom that I was home and went upstairs. I turned on my music and plopped down on my bed, immediately falling asleep.

I woke up to my alarm going off, I groaned rolling over and turning it off. I hopped out of bed and went to have a shower, I got dressed in black skinny jeans, a black tank top with flannel over top, a few of my bracelets, my choker, and my converse.

I did my make up and went downstairs. I said goodbye to my mom and walked off to school, as I walked I noticed the same guys I saw yesterday walking the same way I am, only on the other side of the road. I felt my phone go off.

Unknown Number- hey it's Justin might as well text you :)

I smiled to myself and texted him back.

Me- hey :) what's going on?

Justin- just waiting at school, what are you up to?

Me- walking to school

Justin- fun stuff

I got to school and sat in my home room at the back, I grinned at Justin when I saw him sitting at his desk. Class started and the same 6 guys I saw yesterday and this morning walked in and eyed the class before sitting in the back corner together. Justin walked up to me and leaned on my desk.

"Who are the new guys?" He whisper-asked.

I glanced over to them just talking to each other while looking around the class, I kept my eye on the shorter one for some reason.

"I have no idea,"

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