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"Hey babe," Ricky said smiled.

For some reason I felt this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. Babe? When did Ricky get a girlfriend? Did he purposely kiss me when he already had a girlfriend? I went over to the guys.

"When did he get a girlfriend?" I whispered to them.

"Yesterday," Balz said.

Yesterday? What the actual fuck? You don't kiss a girl, then get a girlfriend the very next day! Wait, why am I being like this? Ricky is his own person, he can do whatever he wants, he can date whoever he wants.

"Hi, I'm Jessica," the girl smiled at me.

"Cheyenne," I said back with a half-hearted smile.

It was very awkward so Ricky just cleared his throat and suggested that we continued to work. We sat around again and began working, although it was very distracting that Ricky and Jessica were constantly kissing and flirting around.

God! Ricky should be doing that with m-No! Stop it, he has a girlfriend! You don't even know what you want! Whatever I need a break of seeing this because I can say I'm fucking jealous.

"Um, Ricky where's your bathroom?" I asked interrupting their kiss.

I saw Jessica roll her eyes at me I just rolled my eyes back.

"Uh just go to your left down the hall and it's on the right," Ricky said.

I nodded and got up leaving, closing the door behind me. I went down the hall and into the bathroom, I washed my face a bit and dried it off. I exited the bathroom and when I came to the door I overheard Jessica's voice.

"Why is she here?" Her voice snarled.

"Babe, she's only here for an assignment," Ricky explained.

"Yeah but Ricky likes her," Ryan said laughing.

"Do not!"

"Do to!"

"Do not!"

"Then why did you kiss her at the party?!"

"I-I wasn't myself!"

"You like her?" Jessica's voice spoke up.

"What?! No! I don't like Cheyenne! I'll never like her! I don't like her! I hate her, the only reason she's over is so we can do this assignment," Ricky practically yelled.

For some reason my eyes watered but I had to push them back, I'm not crying over some guy who I never had a chance with anyway.

I know it was wrong for eavesdropping but either way I would've heard what he said because of how loud he said that. I knew he wouldn't like me, he hates me, always has always will.

I wiped my eyes and left his house running home, once I got home I fell to my bed and began tearing up again. God! Why am I crying? Why does it matter to me so much now that he hates me the it did before?

Oh yeah, because I do like him. My phone went off and I checked it to see Devin texted me.

Devin- where are you? I came to check on you and you were gone

Me- I felt sick, sorry I didn't tell anyone

Devin- it's fine, hope you feel better soon :))

I smiled at his text, I let out a big sigh eventually falling asleep.

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