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Fucking finally it's Friday, I have decided to give Ricky another chance but if he blows it's again I can guarantee you that I won't forgive him.

Anyway right now I'm walking with Ricky to Jessica house because he insisted she hangs out with us. Ricky just enters the house and we go up to her room, before we could even get to her door we hear moans and groans.

Ricky looks at me suspiciously with sadness. I take his hand and we walk in her room.


Jessica riding one of the high school jocks. Ricky's eyes began to water. Jessica stops bouncing and turns her head and sees us.

"Oh my god Ricky!" She gasps.

She gets off the jock and wraps herself around the sheets and walked over to Ricky.

"Baby I'm sorry it's not-" Jessica began but Ricky just stormed off shouting that they're through.

I'm beyond pissed off at Jessica I hate her more than I have before. I grip the bitch by her hair and hold her down.

"You bitch! How could you do this to Ricky?! He was completely faithful to you! You have a fucking problem with me being his friend while you're out fucking this jock! I bet you've fucked the whole football team you dirty slut!" I yelled in her face.

She whimpered in pain as my grip tightened creating a death grip.

"I don't know why Ricky stayed with you for so long you're just a cheating whore," I spat before letting her go and storming off.

I ran and found Ricky at the park sitting on the grass by the pond. I quietly walked up to him and sat down next to him.

"Ricky... I-I'm sorry for what you had to see back there, but honestly she doesn't deserve you, you're such a great guy, and she... It doesn't even matter what she is, but you deserve better," I rambled softly.

Ricky wiped his eyes and looked at me, he smiled slightly then looked back at the water glistening in the sun.

"The pond, it's beautiful isn't it?" Ricky sniffled.

"Yeah," I said.

I wrapped my arms around Ricky as he began crying harder, he clutched on me as if his life depended on it.

"Shhh, Ricky you'll be okay, I know it doesn't seem like it right now, break ups are tough but you'll get through," I coed.

Ricky pulled back and wiped his tears with his sleeve, his eyes sparkled as tears continued to fall. I tried smiling a bit for him but I couldn't, I feel too bad, Ricky doesn't deserve this. I wipe his tears and hug him.

"Again I'm sorry for what happened," I whispered.

"I-it's okay I guess, just I thought she was the one y'know?" Ricky hiccupped.

"I get it,"

I pulled away from the hug and once again wiped his tears, I took his hand and stood up, standing him up with him.

"Now, no more crying, let's get you something to eat, or go watch a movie or anything you'd enjoy," I suggested.

"Why are you being so nice to me? I've been a dick ever sense we've met," Ricky questioned.

"Ricky I'm your friend, I let those times go, and this is what a friend does, they help them through break ups," I smiled.

Ricky smiled a bit.

"Okay, so where do you want to go?" I asked.

"Uh, how about laser tag?"

I nodded and we walked off. Ricky and I got to the laser tag building and we played against each other. I was red and he was blue. I ran around the area hiding behind walls, I could see Ricky tip toeing around.

I put my gun through the whole in a wall and aimed the laser at his jacket with his targets. I shot the laser at him. A loud sound went off and his lights went off. I smirked to myself, 25 points for me.

"I can't believe you fucking beat me!"

I giggled as Ricky and I swung hands walking down the street.

"What can I say? I have great aim," I laughed.

Ricky chuckled as he pulled me towards an ice cream stand. I got chocolate ice cream and Ricky got a strawberry. We sat down on a bench and ate our ice creams, I looked around just noticing random stuff, like the trees blowing in the air, little boys and girls running around with their dogs, little things like that.

"Cheyenne," Ricky said.

I turned my head, my face immediately coming in contact with his ice cream. Ricky burst out laughing as he took a picture of my face. I playfully growled and shoved my ice cream in his face, he ew'd at me and wiped his face.

I giggled and wiped off my face. We walked around a fair that was going on and Ricky pulled me into a photo booth we saw. I groaned, I hate getting pictures of me taken. Ricky made a silly face and I just rolled my eyes going along with it.

We have taken five pictures and we were doing the last one. Ricky suddenly cupped my cheeks and leaned in, my stomach did backflips as my knees went weak.

His lips met mine as the camera went off, his lips moved in perfect sync with mine, his tongue grazed my bottom lip begging for entrance. Then it hit me, he's doing this because he's heart broken, it probably doesn't mean anything. I pulled back blushing crazily.

"Whoa Ricky..." I giggled slightly.

"Yeah, whoa," Ricky breathed.

I awkwardly got out of the booth, Ricky following behind me, I grabbed the pictures and giggled, Ricky looks so goofy but so do I. I smiled at the last picture of me and Ricky kissing.

"So who's gonna keep them?" Ricky asked.

"Can I?" I asked.


I smiled. We walked down the street to my house. We got to my porch and we hugged.

"Thank you Cheyenne for getting my mind off everything," Ricky smiled.

"Your welcome, I'm here for you," I smiled.

I hugged him real quick and entered my house. I got to my room and plopped on my bed smiling crazily. I put the picture beside my bed and sighed. I don't like Ricky do I? Did I like the kiss? I-I think I did. At least I was sober for the kiss... I think I might be falling for Ricky.

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