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I woke up aching all over but it's worth it because of what happened last night. I'm glad Ricky was a dick to me when we first met or else it probably wouldn't have happened. I felt Ricky shift a bit as my head lay on his chest, I trace his rose tattoos on his chest.

"Mm good morning," Ricky spoke groggily.

"Morning," I smiled kissing him.

I got up and took the sheets with me, I entered the bathroom to take a shower. I felt arms wrap around me and I grinned leaning back.

"You're not getting anything if that's what you want," I moaned.

"I don't want that, well that'd be nice but that's not what I came in for. Want help? You must be aching," Ricky smirked cockily.

"Sure," I laughed.

Ricky decided to take over my job of showering, he grabbed the shampoo and lathered it in my hair and massaged my scalp before rinsing it out making sure not to get any soap in my eyes, next he grabbed the conditioner and put that in my hair.

He helped me wash my body. He pushed me against the wall and began making out with me. He just couldn't help himself could he?

He picked me up by my ass and penetrated my opening, I gasped breaking the kiss, Ricky thrusted in and out repeatedly as he kissed my neck biting here and there. I felt the new familiar knot build up in my stomach, I could feel myself clench around him.

"I-I'm gonna cum!" I gasped.

"M-me too fuck!" He moaned spilling his seed into me.

He set me down and I washed again as he washed himself. We got out and I dried myself wrapping a towels around my body, we walked out of the bathroom to his bedroom.

"I swear to fuck Ricky, you better not have gotten me pregnant," I giggled.

To be honest I know it's kind ofearly to be thinking about it but someday I'd love to have a baby with Ricky.

"Well let's hope not, I'm not ready to be a father," Ricky chuckled.

I went over to him and kissed him before changing into my clothes and I combed my hair with my fingers. My phone when off and I asked Ricky to grab it for me.

Mom- are you coming home today or spending the day with Ricky?

Me- I'll come home for a bit than hang with Ricky later

Mom- ok

I set my phone on his dressed and sighed.

"I'm going to go home for a bit than we'll do something later on okay?" I said to Ricky.

"But babyyyy," Ricky whined.

"I'll be back," I giggled.

Ricky just stood there and pouted sticking his bottom lip out giving me the puppy eyes. I just melted inside.

"I'll be back I promise," I laughed kissing him.

He pouted once more at me before I walked to his bedroom door.

"No more pouting you big baby," I joke before leaving.

Goddamn, I swear if you had of asked me a month ago if I were going to be crazy head over heals for him I'd tell you that you're on some kind of drug. Haha it's so amazing how feelings for a person can change so quickly. I don't think I love him though, we're still getting there. But I know that he's the one.

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