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I woke up in my bed for the first time this week haha. It's Wednesday, only today, tomorrow and then Friday left of school. I smiled to myself rolling over, I looked on my nightstand and saw the photo booth pictures Ricky and I took, I picked it up and just looked at it I'm absolutely so happy with Ricky he's the one, I love him, I'm in love with him.

I got up and got ready for school, I heard my mom call me. I walk downstairs and see both my parents sitting around again.

"Hey what's up? I have to hurry and meet Ricky," I rushed out grabbing my shoes and putting them on.

"Look Cheyenne, your father got a job offer, we're moving on Friday," my mom mumbled.

My heart stopped, my stomach twisted in knots, I froze and time stood still.

"You can go today or you can stay but we have to pack tomorrow and you can say goodbye to everyone on Friday before you leave," my dad said.

"W-where are we moving?"


I nodded not know what to say, there's nothing to say I'm finally happy and, and they have to rip it away from me, I have to leave Chris, Angelo, Ryan, Balz, Devin.

I have to leave Ricky.

I walked out of the house and ran to find Ricky I have to make the best of today. I saw him walking with the guys, I put on the best fake smile I could muster up and I walked up to them.

"Hey babe," Ricky said kissing me.

"Hey.." I said quieter than I meant to.

"Everything alright?" Chris asked.

"Yeah just.. Family stuff," I muttered.

We walked to school and went to class, I felt a crumpled price of paper hit my arm and land on my desk. I look over to where it came from and saw Ricky gesturing for me to open it. 'Everything alright?' I smiled at how he cared. 'Yup, like I said family stuff' I wrote back and threw it at him.

Fourth period ended and it's lunch, I'm sitting outside against a tree just thinking, how am I gonna tell the guys? When someone moves away they lose contact with everyone, I'll miss them way too much.

"Are you sure everything okay," Ricky asked walking up to me.

"Yeah it's just what's going on now is just really hard on me," I spoke.

"You'll get through it," Ricky assured me.

I fake smiled and kissed him passionately because it's gonna be one of the last times I'll be able to feel his lips on mine. Ricky chuckled through the kiss and looked at me.

"Calm down," he grinned.

"S-sorry," I say.

School's over, I won't see Ricky tomorrow and all I'm going to school for on Friday is to say goodbye I'm shit at saying goodbye. Ricky walked me home and now I'm laying in bed overthinking.

I have decided I'm going to give Ricky half of the photos we took in the photo booth so he'll always have something to remember me by along with a note telling him how much he means to me and that I hope he can move on.

I'll write something for the guys too. But I'll give it to him on Friday, saying good bye to the guys would be easier for me because I know they'll understand and won't tell Ricky. I get up and write note for them.

Dear Chris, Balz, Devin, Ryan and Angelo,
My parents and I are moving away, I will miss you guys so very much, you always knew how to make me laugh until I cried, you guys are my brothers, I will definitely not forget you, I wish I could bring you guys with me but sadly I can't. We need to keep in contact, and we better, you know how to get ahold of me. Forever love you guys.
~Cheyenne xoxo

I didn't realize it but I was crying while I was writing it, I sighed and wiped my tears.

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