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I walked to school with Justin, he told me everything I missed, apparently we're doing an assignment for music. Justin told me that we have to choose 2 songs and mash them together then perform it in front of the class, and we have to do this with partners.

"-Everyone has their partners, the only ones who don't have partners are you and the new guy," Justin finished telling me.

Are you fucking kidding me?! I have to be partners with that idjit?! I groaned rolling my eyes.

"I have to be partners with Ricky?!" I angrily spat.

"Yeah..." Justin trailed off.

I huffed as we walked into class, I saw Ricky and his friends come in. Ricky gave me a hateful glare and I shot one right back at him, I smirked a bit as I saw a light purple colour on his cheek where I had slapped him.

Mrs. Briggs, the music teacher got the attention of the class and began talking about the project.

"Now, Cheyenne and Ricky you two weren't here yesterday, so you have to be partners," She informed us.

I rolled my eyes glaring at Ricky, he glared right back. Everyone began working and I just sat there, I'm not working with him. I heard a heavy sigh from across the room and saw Ricky walking to over me.

"So are we gonna work or not?" Ricky asked annoyed.

I rolled my eyes, once again and stood up walking past him to the teacher.

"Mrs. Briggs, do I have to be partners with Ricky?" I asked hopeful that she'll say no.

"Yes Ms. Power you do," she said.

I sighed and faced Ricky walking back over to him.

"Ok, you want to work? Work," I spat.

"I'm not doing this on my own, nor should I have to we're partners, you have to help," Ricky retorted.

This is gonna be so. much. fun. Not.

"-No Cheyenne we're not gonna mash it like that!" Ricky told me.

"And why not?! I came up with what songs we're gonna do, I don't see you working!" I yelled.

It took us a half hour to come up with what songs we're doing. We're gonna do Poison and Razorblade Kiss both by HIM.

I want to mash it a certain way but Ricky doesn't want it that way. Fuck! Oh and the teacher told us we have 1 week do this! How am I gonna do this in a week with this dumbass as my partner?!

The bell rang telling us it was time to go home. I collected my things faster than I have ever before and stood up.

"Whatever asshole bye," I spat and attempted to walk away but Ricky grabbed my arm, small sparks shooting up my arm.

"Wait, come to my house tomorrow to work on this," Ricky said.

Hell no! It's Saturday, I'm not gonna waste my Saturday with him working on an assignment!

"No! Why would I waste my weekend with you?!" I yelled.

"I guess we won't get this done!" Ricky said annoyingly.

"Fine! Where do you live?" I muttered.

He gave me his address and I walked home

I walked to Ricky's and dreaded this, I manned up and knocked on the door. An average sized women looking around her early 40's answered the door, she smiled politely at me as I forced smiled back.

"Hi, you must be Richards partner?" She asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"I'm Richards mother, please just call me Mrs. Olson,"

"Hi, I'm Cheyenne, may I ask how did you know I'm working with Ricky on an assignment?" I asked as she let me in.

"He said that a beautiful girl is coming over to work on an assignment today," she smiled.

I blushed a little, he thinks I'm beautiful?

"Ricky! Cheyenne is here!" She called for Ricky.

Ricky walked down the stairs and smiled at me, why is he smiling at me?

"Hey Cheyenne, wanna go to my room?" Ricky asked.

"Uh, yeah sure," I replied awkwardly.

We went up to his room, I walked around admiring the HIM posters.

"Ok so are we gonna start?" Ricky asked hate filled his voice.

There's the Ricky I know and despise. I rolled my eyes and faced Ricky.

"Okay are we gonna mash the song like I want it?" I asked.

"No we're not it's a shitty idea," Ricky insulted.

"I don't see you coming up with ideas!" I snapped.

"Because you're a control freak and keep nagging at me! I don't have time to come up with ideas!" Ricky snapped back.

I scoffed going to his door and opening it.

"Fine, I'll stop being a control freak, I'll stop nagging you even though I never did, I'll leave the rest to you if you don't like my ideas!" I snapped trying to keep my cool.

I walked out and down the stairs leaving the house. That could've gonna better...

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