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I woke up dreading today. Friday. I have to say goodbye to my life here, I have to say goodbye to Ricky, and I don't think I can say goodbye to Ricky it's, it's like it isn't even real.

The pain to is too much, I have to move to a whole different continent and meet new people. I don't want to meet new people, I want to stay here with Ricky, Chris, Angelo, Ryan, Balz, Devin, and Justin. I huffed and hauled my ass out of bed and lazily washed my face and got dressed packing up a few little things here and there.

I found the picture of Ricky and I, I will always remember that, it will always be in my memory. I touched the necklace Ricky gave me on my birthday I just broke down I can't say goodbye to Ricky I can't.

"Hurry up Cheyenne!" My mom called.

I wiped my tears and wrote my note to Ricky.

I sighed and ripped the picture in half leaving me with 3 of the 6 pictures whilst Ricky will have the other 3. I laid it on the note and folded it up. I grabbed the last box from my room and carried it down to the car.

"We'll pick you up from school in an hour okay?" Mom said.

"Yup," I mumbled.

I walked off to school with the note in my hands. I found Justin with Tanner sitting together under a tree. I walked up to them and put on a fake smile.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey Cheyenne what's up?" Justin asked.

"Not much, can I talk to you alone?" I asked.


He got up and we stepped aside.

"Look Justin, I'm moving away, today," I muttered.


I didn't say anything I just hugged him.

"I'm gonna miss you so much," I said.

"I'll miss you so much too,"

I pulled away and smiled at him because I know he will have a great life and that genuinely makes me happy.

"But hey, you're gonna have a wonderful life, you're gonna go to college, get a great job, be with Tanner," I smiled.

"I'll miss you," Justin said.

"I'll miss you too," I said and hugged him.

I walked off into the school to one of the guy's lockers and slipped the note in, they'll find it today.

I walked off to find Ricky. I walked around outside and around a corner to hear and see something that made my heart shatter.

I can't describe how I'm feeling the physical pain is too much. My heart literally just shattered. Tears welled up in my eyes, I, I can't. My world just stopped, it came crushing down on me. But, but the anger began rising, how could he do this to me? No, I'm glad I'm moving I won't have to see his fucking face every again.

He looked at me and went pale, he tried mustering up words to say but even he knows nothing can take back what he had said, what he had done, nothing can get me forgive him, nothing can make this okay.

"Never ever fucking talk to me again, we're through!" I cried.

I ripped off the necklace and threw it along with the note on the ground sprinting away. He never bothered to come after me, and I'm glad he didn't. I ran from school I ran to the park and found a bench to catch my breath. I tried not to cry but I couldn't hold it in. I let my tears flow I let it all out.

I finally stopped the tears, but I couldn't stop the pain. I walked back to school to see my parents in the car out front, I sighed and went to the car door.

I took one last look around, I took one last look at Justin sitting with Tanner.

I took one last look at the guys laughing together throwing Balz back and forth between them.

I took one last look at him, his head in his hands. I shook my head and got in the car driving away forever.

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