Pre wakeup Didnt know what to name it

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Laurance's P.O.V
Aphmau thrashed violently in her comma like state. It kills me to see her like this .
"So when do You think she'll be up ."Garroth asked
"soon at lest within the hour , but that only an estimate ." Zoey say sympathy .
" why is she she trembly ." I ask .
" we don't know , she's been like this but sometimes we are able to calm her , it's weird ." Zoey explained
Dante came inside and caught us up on how the village was doing and what we missed . A half an hour later Katleyn came and got me and Laurance with great news . Aphmau was waking up! She was going to be okay and everything would go back to normal .

Or so I thought .....
Sorry got short chapter .

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