Chapter 3: You think I don't understand?

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Reader's pov:

I was brought to meet some of the other cadets, considering I didn't have any if my friends with me. I was walking along until a woman, who was a lot taller than me and had brown hair ran towards me with a crazy glint in her eyes.

"Hi! My name is Hanji Zoë! But you can call me Hanji and I'll call you shortcake! Anyway come meet some people here with me!!" She exclaimed. I laughed at her little nickname for me.

"Well nice to meet you Hanji! I'm (y/n), but you seem to have names already sorted!" I said giving her a very warm smile.

"Awww I might even call you cutie cake!" She said as she grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards a group of people that were talking with their squad leader.

"SHORTY!!!! COME MEET SHORTCAKE!" She shouted happily at the squad leader who just scowled.

"What the hell do you want, shitty glasses." He said rubbing his temples as if he couldn't deal with this woman. I have admit, he was good looking but I don't want to have proper feelings for someone. In my line of work, 'loving' feelings towards someone will just get me hurt. I doubt he would like me like that anyway, I still want friends though. I smiled at the people in front of me.

"Hello I'm (y/n)" I said gently. The boys just stared at me for a second.

"I'm Petra!" A short girl, with ginger hair introduced herself while holding out her hand. I shook her hand and she smiled at me kindly, I could already tell we were going to be good friends.

"I'm Eld." I tall man with blonde hair tied into a bun said smiling at me said. I returned the smile as another man with black hair came up and shook my hand gently.

"I'm Gunther!" He said kissing my hand, making me blush and he just laughed.

Another man that had his hair in an undercut style, that looked like he was trying to copy his squad leader came to me and scowled, again like his squad leader.

"I'm Aurou..." He said as if he just stood in crap. I saw Hanji and the squad leader had finished talking when she grabbed my shoulders and turned me around to look at the squad leader.

"Shortcake! This is Captain Levi, but I call him shorty." She yelled out. His eye twitched at his nickname, I'm guessing being called short annoys him. He was the same height as me though, 5'3.

"I'm (y/n)." I greeted him and gave him a sweet smile.

"Tch, shitty glasses why do you call her that?" He said scowling at her.

"I call her that because she's short, like you and she sweet. Hence the name Shortcake." She said laughing like an idiot. I chuckled at her answer and he just gave a scowl. If he keeps scowling it's gonna stay like that forever...

"You'll be tested tomorrow to see whose squad you get into." He bluntly informed me. I just nodded and we went into the HQ for dinner. Hanji said I could sit with her and Levi's squad so I did. Aurou looked at me again as if I was dirt and to be honest he kind of annoyed me.

"Is there a reason you're looking at me like that?" I asked a little irritated. He scowled even more, furrowing his eyebrows.

"You're too happy. You are so oblivious to realise what decision you just made. You don't know what it's like to see a Titan, so take things more seriously." He sneered. Let's just say calling me angry was an understatement.

I clenched my fists so hard that they went white, I held my head low trying to contain my anger and not punch him right then and there. All my memories if that day were replaying over and over again in mind like it was in repeat.

I stood up, making the people around me stop their conversation and look at my angry self. I just walked out if the mess hall, fuming.

~3rd POV~

Everyone that saw you were in a bit if shock. Petra turned to Aurou with an angry glare on her face.

"You idiot. Did you not read her profile?! She's from Shinganshina, dumb ass." she growled angrily at him. He looked as if he'd seen a ghost.

"Well done idiot. You managed to make one of nicest girls I know angry." Hanji rolled her eyes. You were currently outside letting tears slide down your face.

"You think I don't understand...?" You mumbled to yourself remembering your promise, your friends...everything...

A/n: 3rd chapter up! 4th coming soon.


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