Chapter 9: Truth or dare

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Reader's pov:

*Time skip to one week later*

I was been removed from the Survey Corps, as a result of the Ace conflict. With my lips stitched, I was relieved of my duties.

I felt bad but he was going to end up killing me. I have small white scars on my mouth, from where the thread went through. Right now it was dinner time and I was eating with Hanji, Levi and the squad.

"So Shortcake! How have you been?" She cheered. I smiled brightly.

"I'm okay! Didn't you say there was a party on in here tonight?" I asked. She grinned and nodded like a madman.

"I suppose I'll help set this place up then!" I spoke.

"Aw Shortcake!! You're the best. You're such a sweet little thing!" She said and pulled me into a strong hug.
I started flailing my arms trying to signal her to stop.

"Shitty-glasses! You're going to kill her. Release her, now." the captain snapped. Hanji let me go and I took a deep breath.

"Heh heh, thank you, captain." I said.

"Tch." I stood up and went to help set up.


Everything was set up and there was a lot of alcohol. There was whiskey, rum, beer, wine, vodka, tequila, cognac and a shit ton more. The cadets piled in and started drinking straight away. Squad Levi came in and started to drink, apart from the captain.

"Shortcake! Let's see how well you do a shot!" Hanji drunkly spoke.

"How the hell are you drunk already?" I asked while laughing.

"I don't know~" she slurred. I laughed again and took the shot, downing it. My face twisted as the liquid burning down my throat. I started coughing while Hanji laughed her ass off.

"I want more!" I said and went to the table and grabbed two more. I downed them and soon enough I was drinking loads.

After a while Hanji came up with a genius plan.

"Hey *hiccup* lets play truth or dare." Hanji said.

"Yeah~" I slurred as the squad had barely drank a thing.

"(L/n) you're drunk." The captain pointed out. I laughed with a slur.

"What? No I-" I was making my way to the table when Hanji and I tripped over each other. We were both on the floor rolling around laughing our asses off.

"Okay I think I'm drunk guuuuys~" I sang. I got back up and sat down with Hanji, giggling over nothing. The squad were looking at me as if I were a two year old toddler.

"Okay Petra! Truth or daaaare?" I asked.

"Dare." She said. Heheh wrong move.

"I dare you to.....spill some beer over the commander's head." I said as her eyes widened. She picked up the bottle and went over the commander. She had to stand on her tippy-toes to try and reach. The commander looked really confused. Then she poured the beer over him and then ran back to us, with her cheeks red. Hanji and I were pissing ourselves laughing.

"(F/n) truth or dare?" She asked.

"Truth." I said.

"What caused you to join the corps?" She asked unknowing to the impact that question had on me. I all of a sudden turned serious, but I was still drunk.

"I lost my two best friends to the Titans, during the fall. I just watched them die. We promised each other that we would see the outside, sealing it with bracelets." I said showing them my bracelet.

"I joined because I wanted to see the world for them, wanted to see all that we had hoped to see." I said and started crying, not thinking from my drunk mess. I grabbed the bottle of whiskey and downed it.

"I was *hiccup* so fucking useless. I watched them both die." I said and smashed the empty bottle off of the ground. By now it was just Hanji, Levi and squad Levi in the mess hall.

"They're dead *hic* because I watched!" I said and took a large gulp of vodka.

"It's not your fault!" Petra cried.

"No! It is!" I cried. I could tell that everyone was shocked, they didn't know I wasn't coping with it well, the alcohol was just adding to the affect. I stopped drinking the alcohol and just sat there, with my head in my hands.

"I'm such an idiot!" I cried.

"No you're not." Eld said, worried.

"You were only a kid." Gunther added. I looked up at them with my leg shaking, that always happened when I was upset.

"I just watched Lucinda's body get torn apart. I couldn't stop Scott from going into the house!" I shouted.

"It's okay!" Hanji tried to calm me.

"No! It's not okay! I'm not okay! I get plagued by nightmares every night from it!" I shouted.

"Listen here, brat. We've all seen the horrors of Titans. I know what it's like to lose good friends to the Titans, believe me on that. But you need to remember that you were a kid. You couldn't make any choice, where in my case I could've and now I regret it. Your friends are in a better place." Levi spoke up after awhile.

That touched my heart.

"T-Thank you, s-sir. I'm s-sorry." I said sobering up a bit.

"Tch, there's no reason to be." He said. I nodded.

"I know I probably won't remember tonight. But please don't bring it up." I said and wobbled out if the room and as soon as my head hit my pillow, I was out like a light.

A/n: And she unravels. Hope you enjoyed!


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