Chapter 13: Leadership

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3rd Person pov:

"HANJI!" (F/n) cried out. She looked at her friend and saw the thick crimson colour override the colour of her chocolate brown hair. Panic washed over Squad Hanji and they all stood still, like statues. But, (f/n) knew exactly what to do.

"We have to retreat! We have no one to lead this mission!" She yelled and sprinted toward Hanji. She brought two fingers to Hanji's neck, praying that she'd find a pulse. (F/n) breathed a sigh of relief when she felt the small 'thump' of Hanji's heartbeat. She quickly wrapped a bandage around Hanji's head and carried her to a cart.

"Titans approaching, three abnormal!" Moblit shouted in fear.

"We don't have enough people to kill them! Let's just go!" Another cadet shouted.

"You all get a head start! I'll kill off the three abnormal! GO!" (F/n) shouted, taking leadership.

"You're gonna get yourself killed." Argued Moblit.

"I don't care! Hanji is the only person who is getting somewhere with the titan studies. We need to keep her alive and we aren't going to outrun three abnormal titans! JUST GO!" She screamed angrily. They all had a look of sadness, as if the only new cadet was going to get killed.

But they needed to remember that she was handpicked by Humanity's Strongest Soldier to be apart of his squad of elite soldiers. They all started galloping back towards, while (F/n) galloped towards her three targets who were running while flailing their fat arms around the place. She jumped off of her horse and shot her hooks onto some nearby ruins. She saw the titans run toward her and furrowed her brows.

"Come here, you ugly bastards!" She yelled and shot her hooks onto one of the abnormal's backs. She let her body swing up and gathered momentum and at exactly the right time she held her blades out and as she started to fall, she released her hooks. As she passed by the nape, she made a very precise, deep cut.

The second abnormal was already right in front of her and she didn't have time to shoot her gear.She just continued to fall, but that was her plan. When the titan was just at the right spot, before falling, she cut the titan's big toe clean off, making it lose it's balance and it fell to the ground.

As it fell, (f/n) shot her hook and swung around the titan's head, and cut its nape. She landed on the now disintegrating titan corpse and searched for her final abnormal. She knew this one was going to be a challenge, it's a crawler.

"Shit." She cursed under her breath and finally started her attack on the titan. The upside was that the titan wasn't going after her, but was trying to catch up with Hanji's squad.

As the titan was distracted, (f/n) quickly drove her blades through the nape. When she landed she started whistling out for her horse. She smiled brightly when she saw her horse, (h/n), galloping back.

"Aye, look who's loyal." She said and jumped onto her back and galloped towards the group who had not stopped once.

Once she caught up, Hanji's squad looked at her in awe.

"What?" She asked with a smile.

"You just took down three abnormal titans all by yourself!" Moblit yelled in shock and awe.

"Is that good?" (F/n) asked.

"I've only ever seen Captain Levi do that except it was with two normal titans as well." He replied.

"Uh...well thanks, I guess." She replied and then smiled.

"C'mon we have to get Hanji back. That bandage is only temporary." (F/n) said and they all picked up speed.

*Time skip and Your POV*

We had reached inside the walls and we all galloped towards the HQ, not bothering to stop anywhere because Hanji's state was critical and she was still unconscious. When we got there I told her squad to get the horses back and I'd bring her to the infirmary. I'm surprised they actually followed my orders, I'm the new cadet. I wonder if it had something to do with me killing those titans. I ran toward the infirmary with Hanji in my arms, but I had to pass by the training grounds to get there.

"Oh look it's (F/n)!" I heard Gunther shout.

"He-" They were about to call, but I'm assuming they saw Hanji in my arms. I sprinted into the infirmary and called for a doctor.

"It's okay, miss. She's in good hands." A nurse said and I nodded leaving the room while they tended to Hanji. I hope she's okay.

When I got out of the room, my squad and Hanji's were there talking to each other.

"You should've seen her! She took control of the situation and saved all our lives. She managed to take out three abnormal titans by herself while we got Hanji back." One of Hanji's team said.

"Yeah, I did." I said and scared them all. Captain Levi wasn't there, he was probably with Erwin.

"You did amazing!" All of Hanji's squad said.

"Heh, thanks." I replied with a sheepish smile. I scratched the back of my neck.

"Did you really take out three abnormals?" Petra asked and I nodded.

"Wow, no wonder the captain picked you!" Eld pondered.

*Time skip*

I was called to the Commander's office, I'd say it was about the expedition. I knocked twice.

"Name and business." His deep voice rang out.

"It's cadet (L/n), sir. You called for me." I replied.

"Come in." And with that I opened the door to reveal the commander and my captain inside.

I sat down on the chair that Erwin gestured me to.

"So I heard you took control of the mission when Hanji got knocked unconscious." He said expectantly.

"Yes sir, I did." I said a little worried.

"Why?" He asked and I started to feel nervous because I felt as though I did something wrong.

"Everyone else froze and didn't know what to do and there were titans-abnormals, were coming. So I decided that I'd take leadership, sir." I answered and looked down a bit, fiddling with my hands.

"Very well. Well, I'm very impressed that you were able to keep composed during that attack. How many titans did you kill?" He asked. Why the hell is he interrogating me?!

"Four. One normal that attacked Hanji and three abnormals when I told the group to get a head start." I replied and I saw his and captain Levi's eyes glint.

"Well we are extremely impressed with your skills and we will be taking it into account. Go to dinner." Was all he said and I left the room with a smile.

When I got into the mess hall, I sat down and started talking to the squad. Well, they mostly asked me about the mission. After awhile, the commander and the captain came in the door.

"Oi!" The captain called, so everyone in the room stood up and saluted.

"I'm sure you've all heard of the mission that took place today. It failed but gladly no one died and Commander Hanji is safe and healing well. But, we wouldn't have been able to say that if it wasn't for Cadet (F/n) (L/n) of the Special Operations Squad, so as merit to her work, I, Erwin Smith, thirteenth commander of the Survey Corps present Cadet (F/n) (L/n) with a badge of honour and we thank you for your leadership and skills." He said and walked over to me placing the badge on my uniform.

"Well done cadet. Where this everyday with pride." He said with a warm smile.

"Thank you commander. I will." I said and we all sat down again to continue eating.

A/n: Heyyo! Couple more and then to my writing. I hope you'll be okay with it :P

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