Chapter 2

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I woke up with my head throbbing from being so drunk last night vaguely remembering my actions but I recalled enough. Oh shit! I fucked some boy, well technically a man, but he was a boy to me considering he could be just a couple of years older than my son.

Somehow I couldn't forget how our hot bodies collided bringing me to a state of ecstasy. Seriously, how could I feel this way about some stranger I just met that night? I thought forgetting about Daniel was going to be harder but after being with him my pain subsided quicker than I imagined. Don't get me wrong, it still hurt. I thought I was in love with Daniel but it turned out I didn't even know him. He had a whole other life he kept hidden from me. I knew the pain wasn't going to go away in one night but letting loose had eased some of my suffering.

My head was still spinning so I reached over and grabbed the bottle of Excedrin I kept on my nightstand, taking two pills to the bathroom with me so I could get a glass of water. I stumbled back to my bed after I swallowed the pills and lay back down for a nap. It was going to take at least thirty minutes before my head stopped spinning and I wanted to make sure I wasn't too sluggish and unresponsive when Tyler got home.

It had been two weeks since I had last seen my baby boy, well not so much a baby anymore, he was twenty now but he'd always be my little boy no matter how old he was. I was only fifteen when I had him so of course me and his father didn't last but we both raised him and split custody. Even though Tyler was a grown man now he still stayed with me most of the time because he was attending Towson State University only twenty minutes from our home. It was summer break right now and Tyler spent the last several weeks with his father doing some male bonding but he was coming back here today.

I slept for about two hours feeling more alive and less hungover than I did when I first woke up. Tyler would be arriving in another hour or so, so I got up and went to the bathroom to shower. I undressed setting the water to the perfect temperature and then got settled in letting the heated waters sooth my skin. Quickly I shampooed and conditioned my hair then lathered my body rinsing off. I got out drying off as fast as possible because I wanted to have lunch ready for Tyler as soon as he walked through the front door.  He loved my homemade lasagna and it took me about fifty minutes to make so I had to hustle throwing my clothes on before I had fully dried up.

I used my wet dry curling iron to straighten and dry my hair real quick and then tied it up in a ponytail since I was about to cook. I had thrown on my red floral sundress with spaghetti straps since it was comfortable and easy.

I got down to the kitchen and pulled out all my ingredients from the cabinet and the refrigerator. I started preparing everything heating up the oven and getting out my skillet to cook the meats. Once that was done I drained it out putting it in a bowl with the Ricotta cheese and mixed everything up ready to lay out in the pan with the sauce and noodles. I put on the finishing touches topping it off with sauce and mozzarella in a hurry getting the lasagna in the oven in fifteen minutes. Perfect, it would be fresh and hot just in time. Right while I was placing it on the rack I heard Tyler coming in the front door, shit he was early. I guess he was just going to have to wait to eat, it didn't really matter that much anyways, I was just glad he was finally home.

"Sweety did you have a good time with your father?" I yelled making my way out the kitchen towards the dining room so I could greet him with open arms.

"Yea, it was fun. I have a buddy with me. He's staying for lunch. Mom this is my friend Jayce Montgomery," Tyler announced entering through the front door standing tall with his large build, ruffled brown hair, and sparkling brown eyes I missed and loved.

Instead of hugging him I stopped dead in my tracks turning a pale sheet of white when I saw who came walking up behind him. Oh god what did I do?! I looked down at the floor waiting to see it start cracking because I was sure at any second it was going to split open and suck me down to hell for what I had just done.

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