Final Chapter

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Song: Beautiful Life by Armin Van Buuren featuring Cindy Alma

 "If you don't give me back that tv control I'm going to tickle you," Jayce threatened hovering above me on the couch as I lie underneath with the remote under my back.

"I don't want to watch the baseball game right now, I was watching that movie and if you tickle me you will die," I warned deepening my voice and bulging my eyes. He knew I couldn't handle being tickled, it made me go insane to the point I would play dirty just make it stop.

"Please no, stop," I begged giggling while he started in torturing my sensitive sides leaving me squirming underneath his wrath. My body twisted and turned trying to break free but I was no match for strength so I resorted to biting. I sunk my teeth deep into his shoulder no longer able to endure the involuntary twitching that was driving me to go mad.

"Ouch! Okay, okay, you win, I'll stop," Jayce smiled now letting his wild fingers calm bringing one hand up to my face and the other under the seams of my shirt tenderly running his fingers up and down my skin.

"Good," I smirked letting out a giggle and then I bobbed my head up lightly tugging his bottom lip with my teeth and then started suckling until our mouths met and we were kissing.

"Oh, I meant to ask you, when did you go on the pill?" He asked breaking away nudging himself besides me in the cracks of the sofa. He began stroking back my hair with one hand and resting his other on the side of my waist as his arm extended across my stomach.

"I was always on birth control. Some certain someone who unexpectedly showed up at my door with my son and moved himself in immediately had me stressing so bad I kept forgetting to take them. I didn't really have as many distractions around once you left to keep me from remembering to take the pills." I furrowed my brows giving him an evil eye.

"Are you insinuating that I distracted you from your daily routines?" He devilishly smirked.

"Never," I taunted with sarcasm and then I started lifting myself up to a seated position pulling him up with me.

"We have to leave soon," I added in. I was finally going back home after staying with Jayce for almost two weeks. I had started eating again regularly and was beginning to look like my old self once more. I didn't let myself dwell on Tyler and just relaxed and appreciated what me and Jayce had but now it was time to find out if this really could work. Was Tyler going to be willing to move on and stop hating or was he going to inadvertently destroy my happiness?

"You know if Tyler still wants to act like a dick to me I'm not letting you leave me again right? You were miserable when we weren't together and so was I. I'm not going to lose you." He defiantly asserted clasping my cheek in his hand looking into my eyes sternly.

"I love you but I don't think I could deal with worrying every second that something bad might happen. You guys are getting ready to go back to school in a few days and have some of the same courses so you're going to have to be in the same room as each other when I'm not around to watch over you both." That gaping hole that use to sit inside my chest slowly started creeping back in as the realization that things could go so wrong filtered in my head.

"Do you remember what I told you back when this first all started? Tyler loves you and when you truly love someone you want them to be happy. We'll work things out, you'll see." I needed his positive words because my paranoia was starting to strike back in and I was only imaging the worst.

"Okay, I'll text Tyler and let him know we'll be there in about an hour. I want to get washed up real quick first."

"Then I'm getting in the shower with you," his eyes bulged and one side of his lips cringed to the side as his chin met his chest with a look that said it was taking no arguments.

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