Chapter 16

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 We were sprawled out on the his white leather couch with me nestled above him relaxing in the mid afternoon watching a movie when Jayce decided to sneak in the compromising situation into a conversation, "My sister Andrea is home for a couple of days and she's staying with my dad right now. They're having dinner tonight and I want you to come with me and meet them." He mentioned nonchalantly not looking away from the tv screen to put on the facade that this wasn't an uncomfortable position he was putting me in .

My body tensed up in his hold as I turned my head to meet his ocean eyes, "I don't know if I'm ready for all that. What if they don't like me or think I'm just some skanky cougar who likes to molest young handsome men?" I felt so uneased by the idea of meeting his family. What if they disapproved of the two of us? It would just totally make me feel like shit.

"Mia," Jayce chuckled staring at me with extreme sincerity stroking my arm with his hand, "They'll love you just like I do and we're both of legal age."

"How bout next time Andrea comes home I meet them?" I put on a cheesy smile knowing damn well I was going to lose this battle.

"How bout you meet them tonight," he said giving me a stern glance and then placed a gently kiss on my lips.

"Oh that's right I forgot, I'm have to go into the office tonight. One of the servers are down and they need me to take care of it," the cheesy smiled glimmered again across my face.

"You can bullshit all you want but your coming," Jayce assured me knowing that he was going to come out victorious the smug bastard but so adorable and sexy.

"Fine. What time are we leaving?" I questioned rolling my eyes bringing my chin down to my chest with a deep sigh wanting to have time to prepare and look my most presentable since first impressions were the most lasting.

"We'v e got 2 hours."

"Shit! I need to start getting ready now," I exclaimed jumping up to my feet startling him from my abrupt actions.

"Mia calm down, you have time to get ready," Jayce ignorantly replied not knowing how much time it took a woman to prepare for such an event.

"No, you don't understand! I need to start getting ready now," I hastily insinuated standing in front of him shaking and frantic.

Jayce reached out taking my hand in his and kissed my palm putting me in a weakened state, "Everything is going to be fine," His head nodded down in assurance. "Go get ready and do all that girly stuff you do and stop freaking out."

Easy for him to say, he wasn't the milf that bedded her prey but I complied without argument and headed to the bedroom.

I first went to the closet where some of my dresses were hanging and stood there for at least 10 minutes trying to figure out which one was the most presentable and at the same time made me look good and feel good about myself. I decided on my pink satin dress with string straps that had red floral prints. (Yes I know. I liked string strapped and floral print but they seemed to suit me well.)

I pulled my dress out and hung it up on the closet knob as I made my way to the bathroom to shower. A fresh yellow towel sat hanging on the wall on the rod ready for me as I set the wetness to the right degree. I then entered the basking waters letting the pellets calm my nerves after I quickly undressed.

As soon as my body stood underneath the steamy waterfall I became unraveled and lost under the downpour. The shower was my escape from reality giving me calmness and comfort caressing my naked body letting me forget about the world outside of the soothing waters.

"Mia!" Jayce stormed into the bathroom. "You've been in there for an hour! You need to get ready." He stood behind the clear doors ready to pull me out and dress me himself I had let my body and mind drift away. I had become too relaxed forgetting the disturbing issues that had been running through my head causing me to lose track of time.

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