Chapter 13

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A/N FYI I was really tired when I was writing this so if it sucks let me know so I can fix it  

"Come on Mia, you're going out tonight!" Beth stormed into my room  flinging  the door open with impact almost putting a hole in the wall. The abrupt disturbance startling me in my bed causing my body to jump to a seated position but quickly calmed when I realized it was just her and not Lucifer to finally come claim my lifeless soul. 

"Fuck off," I replied dryly giving her the middle finger and then threw the covers back over my head laying back down. I hadn't left the house in weeks and had no urge to, today was no different then any other. 

"What the fuck!" I yelled out when I felt the quilted blanket pulled out from over me leaving me helpless under Beth's death stare. Her burning eyes stung into my half naked body wearing only a white t-shirt and pink laced underwear as I slightly shivered from the gust of air. This was one of those moments when I hated having a best friend who could be just as resilient and overbearing as me. 

"Bitch I told you I'd give you some time and now your times up. You're getting out of this house and especially this bed even if I have drag you by the hair like a fucking caveman," she affirmed with her elbows cornered and her hands pressed firmly on the sides of her waists.

"Fred Flinstone could you please just give me back my blanket? I know you like the view but all I wanna do is sleep." It had been three days now since I had called Jayce and I was miserable beyond imagination. His pleading voice still echoing in my thoughts, a haunting reminder of how I was causing him so much pain only adding onto my misery. I'd been taking so many sleeping pills by this point that my tolerance had built up and I had to take an extra one just for them to work. Luckily for me there was online shipping so I never had to leave the house to refill my supply.

Jayce still made attempts to call and text but now I just shut off my phone completely to help avoid temptation. It wasn't like there was anyone I wanted or needed to talk to anyways besides him of course. I began to realize it wasn't Tyler that was stopping him from trying to come by, it was his loyalty and love for me that held him back. Jayce  had to know another confrontation with him and Tyler would only devastate me more than I already was. I was thankful but it only made me miss Jayce more. Everyday was another struggle denying the best thing that had ever happened to me besides being a mother. 

"You look like one of those starving kids on the television. Soon the neighbors are going to start leaving you canned goods outside the front door you look like shit. You're going to get your ass up, get dressed, and go out to eat with me and that's that! I'll give you 30 minutes to get ready then you can meet me and Tyler, we'll be downstairs waiting for you in the living room. He's coming too to make sure you eat even if he has to force feed you," she huffed whipping her blonde hair in the air as she turned around with attitude walking out ignoring my next argument.

I didn't really have much fight left in me anyways to keep trying to disagree with her so I guess it didn't matter that she let me be without listening to what I had to say. I got up from bed and took a quick five minute shower, dried up, then put on a pair of bootleg jeans and a floral embroidered tank top finishing it off with my black and turquoise DC tennis shoes.

I got downstairs and Beth and Tyler were silently awaiting for me both perched down on the sofa. It was as if they had heard me making my way down the steps quieting up like I had interrupted some discussion I wasn't suppose to hear.

"What, what did I just walk in on?" I nosed in wondering what it was now that I did that had them whispering behind my back. I was starting to begin to think my house was a magnet for secrets and the world of the fucked up. 

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